New member
and the coral browns out yet lives, do you still call it a superman monti? Do you sell frags of it as a superman monti even though it's now brown? This is where I really dislike the naming of corals, because on one hand ok sure it came from that specific colony, but it really doesn't look anything like other superman montis.
i think you are missing the whole point entirely. when i buy a named frag, i don't care what it looks like at that point in time. because i *know* what it has the genetics for looking like when returned to good conditions. with a named frag, i have probably seen dozens of pics of it in different tanks and know the range of morphologies it will probably take. with a newcomer fake imposter, i (A) have to rely on the judgement of the person selling it to me (who has a huge incentive to exaggerate and see things that may or may not be there), and (B) have no clue what changes it could probably make in my tank.
the last thing we need are clueless newbs slapping highly respected names on whatever coral they want, just because *they* think it looks maybe-kinda-similar. just look at any of the ID threads and you'll see that nobody can get close or even agree on a species, let alone a specific color morph within a species.