Is this crab reef safe?


Premium Member
This is a tiny hitchhiker crab. Normally I don't even consider adding these things to my tank, but he's very nice looking. It is extremely small - about 3 mm.

What do you think, throw him in with all my acros, zoos, and ricordea, or off with his head?

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I have no idea what he is but I consider all crabs except for filter feeders evil. They are opportunistic feeders. If they want a live meaty meal they will go for it. Not worth the risk IMHO. :)
Oh come on... he's so cute though... are you sure those claws aren't for catching phytoplankton as it drifts by?
Oooo if you got Tama Bay rock it could be a porcelain (good guy), though I've seen them with fatter claws and never so little. Can you get a pic of his face?
It came in on a shipment of salomon island corals. I can't really get a pic of his face... he's so tiny... I can't believe I got that good a pic of his body.
How difficult would it be to get out of your tank he goes evil on you? I currently have and an evil white crab in my sump.
I threw him in the frag tank. That way if he goes wild and starts eating stuff I can catch him (if I notice).