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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9153849#post9153849 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CAreefer
I can certainly attest to that. My 90 gallon frag tank/plumbed into main system is in the garage, as well as the upper canopy of the display venting into the garage. My garage is >1000 sf and nothing like watching thousands of dollars of worth of Snap On tools and a 67 GTO rusting away faster than you can keep up with. I plan on doing like chad said and enclosing the frag tank with a walls and door and venting the whole shebang outside. My system (340 gallons) evaporates ~6 gallons per day @78 degrees. Our summers are relatively mild here with low humidity.
Edward, with the increase in system volume of your new set-up, this may become an issue you didn't encounter with your previous system. Just a heads up.
67 GTO - Nooooo. Yeah I'd enclose it also. I moved my tank out the garage recently. The rusting has stopped and I'm not finding dog hair and various insects in my tank anymore. Even though I keep a clean garage, it's amazing where you end up finding dog hair.
I was planning on running my skimmer in the garage, but then I couldn't paint or sand in my garage without the danger of having my skimmer draw it in with the air. I know there are ways around it, but I didn't want the hassle.