jnarowe, yes, I was surprised too. It's definitely an alternative to actinic tubing.
I used slovan's kil-a-watt meter and it uses 3 watts.
speedstar, ygpm.
slovan, thank you. instant coloring.
Robolton, you beat me to it!
Josh, that is the trick! It looks even better on bigger corals! Thats what I was waiting for, but that may be a while
java, you wont be dissapointed with a rimless aquarium. it's a clean look you wont regret. I would also look for a room you can run your plumbing too like i did. its so helpful and I can still make the spills I need.
I have never had any problems with my sump in the garage. Its even better now after going away from an inwall as the tank sits in the house with cooler air. This lets my fans blow cooler air over the water surface. I do park my car in the garage and have been for many years. I am a big believer in car garages for my car and not for storage.
As for too much light in my last tank.. that is correct. I was blasting my 100g with 3x250wDE, 400w VHO, & 80w T5. I didnt feel this was necessary as the tank walls would have algae the next day. It was a constant maintenance cleaning my tank almost every other day. With this tank, I am taking a different approach with less time of the main MH Core's. This also gives an even spread across the tank as it is 40" deep. More light=more algae=higher nutrients. This needs to be watched in a sandbed filled aquarium. Only give the corals enough food (photosynthesis) as they need. Over time, if your tank gets more mature and full, the light photoperiod may need to be increased. Austin is definitely winning the race!! Let me know what you come up with when you order your tank!