It Has Started

Mission accomplished. The 156 has been picked up and the transfer to the 180 is complete. Glad that project is done.
That is great. Did youhave any losses in the transfer? When I moved from the 180g to my current tank last year I buried a ton of snails and critters in the mounds of sand in buckets. I was hoping they could last for till I made the switch -- I was wrong.

Glad to hear your project is done. Im just fragging a few things in my tank and generally moving a few things around...Im never totally satisfied.

Ive got a little bit of that macro algae growing which I dont want (i think its called brophis or something)...Im working on gettign it out, but one little strand floats away and tucks in some corner behind a rock--then in a week/two I see it growing again....starting to tick me off
Happy to report no coral losses and the only fish I haven't seen is my mandarin. I really hacked my acan and didn't think it was going to make it but yesterday it already had its feeders out. I stopped at the lfs yesterday and waiting for some fish to come in tomorrow. I thought I was going to feel a little down after taking down one of my tanks but overall I am so happy with the way the new reef looks, I wish I had done it much sooner.
Tearing down a tank can be a bummer... nice to have that offset but setting up a new one though. :)

Glad it's going so well!