It's not just BBQ and beer


I'm an American, and I remember
Staff member
RC Mod
Just like the last few years, I'm here to throw a wet blanket on your party.

MEMORIAL DAY has a purpose. It's not burgers or hot dogs, it's not beer and brats, and it's not about a free day to sleep in. Memorial Day is for remembering and revering the brave souls that gave their lives in defense of your freedom.
If you see a Veteran, it's fine to say thanks, even on Memorial Day, but it's not their day. On Memorial Day, it's your obligation to put aside at least a few moments to consider what's been given up for you by brave men and women that lost their lives in service to this (once) great nation.
Love your country, thank a Vet, and never forget the sacrifices made by service members and their loved ones, for you and your loved ones to live free.
God bless America, God bless our service men/women and God keep our fallen protectors close.
Proud to be in the Army
A government Agent
Sent across the sea
This is an American Soldier

Dressed in a uniform
To show his allegiance
And weather the storm
This is an American Soldier

Sworn to protect you and I
Defender of freedom
and willing to die
This is an American Soldier

Given a secret mission
He completes his orders
Through strong ambition
This is an American Soldier

In foreign lands he attends
To the fallen soldiers
Whose wounds need to mend
This is an American Soldier

Upon his return he cries
Becoming a hero
He says his goodbyes
This is an American Soldier

Gratified our nation stands
With heads held high we aim
To honor this man
This is an American Soldier

A soldier is what you see
More than a warrior
He is part of me
This is an American Soldier

…This is my brother
An American Soldier

© 2009 Tracey Marquart
Happy Memorial Day. Wherever you are on Memorial Day at 3 pm local time – remember to take one minute to pause in an act of national unity to honor those who died in service to the United States.
Wherever you are on Memorial Day at 3 pm local time "“ remember to take one minute to pause in an act of national unity to honor those who died in service to the United States.

I'll be at the parade, if it's not raining. Actually, at 3:00 I'll be at the post parade ceremony. My community has a few WWII Vets that are made part of the ceremony each year.
Again, actually, last year we were down to three :( When I started attending the Memorial Day parade/ceremony here, we had over a dozen WWII Vets to honor.
I look forward to shaking their hands and thanking them for their service. I also tell them how much I appreciate their buddies that didn't make it home.
These guys, have to be in their 90s, yet they remember, and they tear up.
One other thing, I love the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. The young lady that sings every year does a great job. She doesn't include any of that vocal acrobatic crap that is so often part of sporting events now. There's no R&B influence, just a clean, beautiful rendition of our national Anthem. I choke up every year.