Just like the last few years, I'm here to throw a wet blanket on your party.
MEMORIAL DAY has a purpose. It's not burgers or hot dogs, it's not beer and brats, and it's not about a free day to sleep in. Memorial Day is for remembering and revering the brave souls that gave their lives in defense of your freedom.
If you see a Veteran, it's fine to say thanks, even on Memorial Day, but it's not their day. On Memorial Day, it's your obligation to put aside at least a few moments to consider what's been given up for you by brave men and women that lost their lives in service to this (once) great nation.
Love your country, thank a Vet, and never forget the sacrifices made by service members and their loved ones, for you and your loved ones to live free.
God bless America, God bless our service men/women and God keep our fallen protectors close.
MEMORIAL DAY has a purpose. It's not burgers or hot dogs, it's not beer and brats, and it's not about a free day to sleep in. Memorial Day is for remembering and revering the brave souls that gave their lives in defense of your freedom.
If you see a Veteran, it's fine to say thanks, even on Memorial Day, but it's not their day. On Memorial Day, it's your obligation to put aside at least a few moments to consider what's been given up for you by brave men and women that lost their lives in service to this (once) great nation.
Love your country, thank a Vet, and never forget the sacrifices made by service members and their loved ones, for you and your loved ones to live free.
God bless America, God bless our service men/women and God keep our fallen protectors close.