It's octopuses not octopi, right?

Heck if I know, I still refer to my fish as "fishies". Something tells me it would just be "octopus" wheather it's just one or a bunch, but english was never my best class. Octopuses just doesn't sound right. of course neither does Octopi.
either will work.

Main Entry: oc·to·pus
Pronunciation: 'äk-t&-p&s, -"pus
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -pus·es or oc·to·pi /-"pI/
Etymology: New Latin Octopod-, Octopus, from Greek oktOpous
1 : any of a genus (Octopus) of cephalopod mollusks that have eight muscular arms equipped with two rows of suckers ; broadly : any octopod excepting the paper nautilus
2 : something that resembles an octopus especially in having many centrally directed branches
I read somewhere that it's octopuses if your talking about more than one octopus of the same species, but if you're talking about multiple species it's octopi.
Sorry, that wasn't B. Fishy. It was me using his computer.


As this is not the grammar forum, I'll chill ;-)
I vote for Octopussies!