R u going to LEAR Saturday? Pretty sure both those stores give club discount currently.
I read this. (LOL)
I have the L1. It is in the sump (well two of them are that is.) The controller once setup with min and max flow, is then done. No more touching it. Mine have been running two months now, almost non stop. Yes they are quiet, compared to the 2x DC12000 I had in there. The controller is not warm so yes all the pump heat will be in the tank, but I would think maybe less heat than the MAG, but I have never owned a MAG.
On the cardinals, I can not say. How old were they? Did the pope call them up? Even though you say it was only 3.5 hours, the O2 drops significantly with normal fish life, and the lack of agitation did not help any other exchange at the water line. What size tank/container were they in? Was the prime old or mixed? Had it separated and maybe it needed mixing?
Glad it is solved for the wifi.
Just because it sees other homes, it cant connect unless you tell it to. It is possible the router was switching frequencies(channels) due to other traffic and the game adapter did not re-connect quick enough.
When I set up a network (friends/family) I scan where I am setting things up and see what else might bother it. Then I go in and setup the frequency(channel) manually to one that is not used as heavily. Just because something is there though does not mean you can not connect to yours. It takes something pushing a lot of data to bump other things off that frequency. Some wifi setups may switch channels automatically, with the one I setup sometimes those items will skip/change away from it.
Think of it like a 14 lane highway. Everyone can use it. If the first lane gets too much traffic in it, then it would be better to switch lanes. Way too much traffic on one lane causes others to get lower/no movement. A autoswitching would just change lanes on its own and the device would see it somewhere else and go to that same one.
Now that is just for 2.5gighz. Moving the the 5g frequency gives you more lanes, you just suffer from not being able to be as far away.
What does the water look like around it?
I have a problem when I go to feed mode and the water is higher than normal and the pH goes off scale.