Ivan's terribly slow 225 build

I've been making some slow progress lately. Actually, I've been working on the tank quite a bit, I just don't have a whole lot to show for it. I decided to work on cable management a little. I bought some wire raceway from Amazon. I got the 2" x 2"size and installed it above the tank and in the sump area. That size worked out nice, not too big and bulky but still has plenty of room. It really cleans things up and gives a finished look to everything.


That big black wire in the picture is bugging me, so I guess I'll have to install one more piece in that corner. Overall, it's not a bad product and worked well. The caps don't fit quite as well (a little loose) as the better known brands, but it was a whole lot cheaper. Above the tank, I had to leave enough of a gap to get the eggcrate out. The SeaSwirls get in the way, so you have to tilt the eggcrate up to get it out. With the gap shown, it isn't too bad and the covers come off without too much struggle.

I've been struggling with what to do with my Apex, Vectra controllers, etc. There are some really slick looking set-ups out there, and I thought about trying to build something really nice. In the end, practicality won out. I've had the hose come off of the skimmer pump twice. This turns the pump into a geyser which shoots up and hits the top of the stand and sprays water EVERYWHERE. Rather than risk damage to my electrical components, I decided to build a small door out of 3/4" plywood and mounted it on the end of the sump. All of the electrical components are mounted to the backside of it except the Apex display and Vectra controller. I mounted those on the front of the door, since I will need access to those. If Ecotech and Neptune ever resolve their issues and make the Vectras Apex compatible, I might move the pump controller to the other side of the door. I'm not too worried about that, I don't think they'll resolve their differences anytime soon.


I also hooked up the ATO and added the 10 gallon storage container. I've been topping off the tank manually. It really doesn't take any time. The flexible hose I have on my mixing station is great and makes it a quick and easy job. But, it's still one more thing I had to do everyday.

I've also been working on my Apex programming. I picked up an ALD module and a couple of sensors from a fellow reefer, so I went ahead and added some warnings for those. Since I was disconnecting the Apex to move it, I decided it would be a good time to update firmware. Not having the ability to update over wifi is a bit of a pain. It's great that they fixed it in the new version, but that doesn't help me. Since my modem and router is on the complete opposite end of the house, I had to disconnect them and bring them to the basement where I could connect to the Apex. Of course, my family came home in the middle of this operation. They were less than impressed with the lack of wifi, but fortunately none of my blood was spilled.

I got my replacement skimmer lid in the mail today, so now my skimmer is whole again. I've been running it for a few hours every other day or so. With nothing in the tank, there really isn't much to skim but I have been able to get about 3/4" of skimmate in the collection cup. Some day the tank will be cycled and I'll be able to run the skimmer 24/7. Waiting for a tank to finish cycling is worse than watching paint dry.

- Ivan
Ivan - looking good, we should talk about programming Apex. I am lost. LOL I picked one up used and have no clue. I did update it , but thought I had to run a Cat5 cable to keep it hooked up to the internet for me to program and/or use it.
Ivan - looking good, we should talk about programming Apex. I am lost. LOL I picked one up used and have no clue. I did update it , but thought I had to run a Cat5 cable to keep it hooked up to the internet for me to program and/or use it.

It needs to be hardwired for updates (assuming you got the classic version). Alerts, fusion, everything else works fine over wifi but hardwire is better. I'm not an expert at Apex programming but I'd be happy to help.

- Ivan
So, I accidentally dosed 3 tablespoons of ammonia instead of the intended 3 teaspoons. :headwalls: Rather than do a water change, I'm just waiting it out but this is killing me. It's like watching paint dry. I've been testing every 2-3 days. No nitrite yet. It took a little longer for the ammonia to change color tonight so hopefully it's starting to make a little progress.

- Ivan
It's hard to be patient when the tank is FINALLY full of water. No point in rushing though, I can't find the fish I want. My clowns will get lost in that big tank.

- Ivan
Yes- getting fish = disaster for me so far. Do you have a Qt set up?

I have a tank that I'll be using for TTM. After that, the new fish will spend a few weeks in my current 20L tank for observation. Since I have rocks and sand in it, I don't plan to dose meds in that tank. I have another 20 that I'll use as a hospital tank if I need to medicate any fish.

- Ivan
Do you have a shot of your Front tank I"m doing somehting similar to your side Window viewing but want to see what it looks like done. (you just have the image with it drywalled.

Do you have a shot of your Front tank I"m doing somehting similar to your side Window viewing but want to see what it looks like done. (you just have the image with it drywalled.


I haven't taken a full shot in a while, mostly because things aren't finished. Regardless, I'll try to take a shot on Saturday and post it.

- Ivan
Really sharp build, Ivan!

I'm working on a build of the same size, so scavenging ideas as I find them.

Another fish I've been looking at as a larger "focus" fish (and it's seriously out-of-the-ordinary) is a Quoy's parrotfish. Yeah ... I know ... but these ones are supposedly completely reef-safe, feeding on algae - and they're simply gorgeous in rose-pink and aqua-green with blue and orange trim!

Really sharp build, Ivan!


I'm working on a build of the same size, so scavenging ideas as I find them.

Another fish I've been looking at as a larger "focus" fish (and it's seriously out-of-the-ordinary) is a Quoy's parrotfish. Yeah ... I know ... but these ones are supposedly completely reef-safe, feeding on algae - and they're simply gorgeous in rose-pink and aqua-green with blue and orange trim!


That's definitely an interest and out-of-the-ordinary fish. I don't think I'll try it, but I hope it works out for you.

- Ivan
As promised, here are some quick shots of the tank as it stands today.




I didn't have a chance to break out the DSLR, so things are a little skewed but you should be able to get an idea of what it looks like. As you can see, I am still waiting for my contractor to install the tile around the tank. When he comes, I'll probably have him put a vent to the outside. It will have to go out the front of my house but shouldn't be visible due to the landscaping. I also haven't had doors made to cover the access holes above the tank. To be honest, they would be in the way currently so I'm not in a hurry. Once the tank is fully stocked and all of the corals are in place (does that ever happen?) I'll worry about having doors made.

- Ivan
I finally have a nitrite reading!!!! 0.3 if you're wondering, but I wouldn't put too much faith in the number. My test kit expired in October. I'm not really worried about it since accurate numbers aren't that important when you are just monitoring the tank cycle, and it's not like the test kit suddenly goes completely dead the day after it expires. The ammonia reading was still pretty high, so I've got a ways to go but at least I know things are progressing. I was pretty sick of test results reading zero.

- Ivan
Still slowly cycling. No ammonia for two days, but nitrite is still off-scale. The weather is going to be decent and I'm off on Friday, so I went ahead and ordered a small clean-up crew. Hopefully, the nitrite will be down by the time they arrive. If not, my 20 will be full of snails.

I've been cleaning some things up and playing with the Apex programming lately. Right now I have the gyres going in opposite directions, and switching directions approximately every six hours. The programming is based off of some found in this thread, and is tied to the season table in the Apex. I'm not running the lights right now, but I have those tide to the season table also. Does anyone else let the Apex adjust their tank based on the season? Is it really helpful, or just a novelty?

I've also learned something interesting about my heaters. Basically, one 125W heater runs continuously for ~21 hours and slowly heats the tank up. It then takes a 3 hour break and it's back on. This gives me about 1/2 degree of temperature variation. I had planned on using multiple heaters and expected much more cycling. Right now, I have 3 heaters in the sump but it looks like 2 won't really be needed. Oh well, I guess they'll just be installed spares.

- Ivan
If this is a brand new tank what will your clean-up crew have to eat? You will have to start adding food to the tank to keep them alive. Best to hold off until you've had fish in the tank for a month or two and the algae is starting to bloom.
