Japanese tanks...(revived)

This is the 4th or 5th time iÃ"šÃ‚´ve read all this thread and watch closely all these amazing pictures.
I would like to know if there are more pics you could provide that you have found during this long period of non activity of this thread.
PS, keep this thread friendly please :D
Only one pix:)
Japan is my main interest, even above aquariums. I plan on working there some for my future job (International business). When I'm finally there, I'll e-mail all of you'll :)

This is a good read, and there are some fantastic ideas here.
It will be interesting to look back on this thread in 5 years and see if any of these ideas have become accepted as normal practice...

Kudos to those putting forth new/different ideas...

One other thing...
Y'all seem to be shocked with the price of lights and equipment that the japanese pay. Down under, second hand MH's cost from $800 to $4000 american...
Alternatives are gold for us!!!!!


Does anyone know the scientific or trade name for the fish on page 4? The small, opaque schooling fish with the lateral black line and a red dot at the caudal peduncle? Apologies for my inability to insert pics, but the link leads to Yasuhiro's ReefAqua site:


and again at


And for those more adventurous, I'd very much appreciate an IDfor these as well:



Thanks in advance.

I really don't want to add venom to a topic that has been resting for some time,however,I must say that some of the comments in this thread are based on patriotism(fanaticism) and have little to do with objective and useful adaption of methods and techniques.

Some people tried to support the foriegn ideas , but I think they were over run.

The simple fact is, many Japanese tanks are far more efficient and are maintained with far greater husbandry than most western systems.

The Japanese are not cheating in any way.The Japanese just put more time,thought and energy into aquariums because they must.

Few objective people can deny that the best 'aquarists' come from Germany and Japan.

I think WE should be more willing to learn.

Please, forgive my forwardness.

Your poison doesn't hurt at all. You've shold read more and not only the begining of the topic. If you read the whole thing you'll se that many of us now recognize and appreciate the Japanese style. Actually we've been learning a lot with those tanks and people that came to this board. We like the Japanese type of aquarism too!


Sorry to have brought this one back,really.Particulary, in the manner that I did.

So,i thought I might be able to make a mends by posting a link to some of my favourite cultured liverock(if that's an accurate description?)Gorgeous but expensive,however, all live rock is expensive here in Japan.

CP Farm

Some gorgeous tanks in this thread.'Acrophiles', eat your collective hearts out.Very few tanks compare to some here,right?


I believe you meant to say that, I should have ignored some of the posts earlier in this thread, because I surely read this thread in its entirety.

I think I understood you,though.
roadstar said:

Does anyone know the scientific or trade name for the fish on page 4? The small, opaque schooling fish with the lateral black line and a red dot at the caudal peduncle? Apologies for my inability to insert pics, but the link leads to Yasuhiro's ReefAqua site:


and again at


And for those more adventurous, I'd very much appreciate an IDfor these as well:



Thanks in advance.

Fish in second pic is some type of cardinal - might look on fishbase for things in apogon genus in the general geographic area near southern Japan.
Well heck if its back from the dead, I might as well. I don't think the point to all of these colored spot lights is the health of the coral. I would think they are just accenting corals. For instance accent a white bubble with a red light and make a red bubble. It seems that the substance in these lighting systems is coming from around 10K halides.

I to believe most of these tank were set up for short periods of time just for photos. The Japanese are very stylized and has stated earlier I believe are less likely to bemoan replacing coral over and over. Just look how into flower arranging some of these people get. Their are actually people who study it there whole lives. But who knows.

I would also like to state this is going on in the US as well. Ever been to a Doctors office that has a nice reef? When my stepdad had cancer his doctor had a very nice and clean reef. What I noticed over time is that the corals were being switched out. One day I happened to see a guy cleaning the tank and struck up a conversation. It seems the docor was paying premium prices just to have any slightly fading corals replaced with servicing. The guy told me that they sold the slightly receding corals in their store to people and replaced the good doctors corals with new "pretty" ones.
After seeing this thread again I just can't help but think what a shame it is that so many of the original pics are no longer viewable. Whether that's because the links are dead, or because of the decision to no longer allow direct uploads.... either way, kinda a shame so much eye candy was lost.

yes it's a shame that most of the pictures are dead link now. it's also a shame that so many people believe those tanks are fake. they can't seem to accept the fact that the japanese put more affort into actually make the tanks look good and clean. i can tell you that the tanks are not fake and they are not set up just for a brief period of time for photo. i have a friend (IT guy) who travels regularly to and from japan (because of work) and he visits aquarium (yes, he has his own tank too) there everytime he's there. he told me the tanks are absolutely not fake, it grows just like our tank do. the tank are super clean everytime he visit. there is no way for the store owner to know that he's going to visit today or tomorrow and clean the tank before hand. not only the display tank, all other tanks, the floor, the register counter, and everything else is professionally done. super clean, fish is healthy, people are always friendly, smile all the time. it's total different experience in japan. he said he has never ever seen a LFS in the US that even compare to the one that he regularly visit in japan. he's extremely impressed with the effort they put into making the tank as well as the store so clean and nice looking year after year. too bad my friend doesn't speak japanese at all so he couldn't ask the owner more questions.

you can still live in your dream of how the tank is fake but one day you wake up and you will realize you have sleep for too long to catch up.
I live in Japan and I can tell all here that almost nobody in japan has the time/money to set-up a tank for a photo or two.

The tanks in this thread are works of love and long term dedication.

Anybody here who suggests otherwise shows a distinct lack of knowledge, or worse...

The Japanese are far better at keeping aquariums than has been displayed in this thread.

You should see some of the tanks I see just walking around Tokyo...

Keeping any tank is a lot closer to art here.
