yes it's a shame that most of the pictures are dead link now. it's also a shame that so many people believe those tanks are fake. they can't seem to accept the fact that the japanese put more affort into actually make the tanks look good and clean. i can tell you that the tanks are not fake and they are not set up just for a brief period of time for photo. i have a friend (IT guy) who travels regularly to and from japan (because of work) and he visits aquarium (yes, he has his own tank too) there everytime he's there. he told me the tanks are absolutely not fake, it grows just like our tank do. the tank are super clean everytime he visit. there is no way for the store owner to know that he's going to visit today or tomorrow and clean the tank before hand. not only the display tank, all other tanks, the floor, the register counter, and everything else is professionally done. super clean, fish is healthy, people are always friendly, smile all the time. it's total different experience in japan. he said he has never ever seen a LFS in the US that even compare to the one that he regularly visit in japan. he's extremely impressed with the effort they put into making the tank as well as the store so clean and nice looking year after year. too bad my friend doesn't speak japanese at all so he couldn't ask the owner more questions.
you can still live in your dream of how the tank is fake but one day you wake up and you will realize you have sleep for too long to catch up.