Japanese tanks...(revived)

Well I just went through the whole thread for the first time and the only response that I believe this thread deserves is:

As an American I have to ponder how on earth that we as a People can get anything acomplished with all of the whinning and fighting over absolutly nothing. Human nature I suppose but it's still very, very sad.
I have not seen any of the tanks as none of the pics are coming through now. But let me say that this comment:

"The Japanese are far better at keeping aquariums than has been displayed in this thread."

and this:

"they can't seem to accept the fact that the japanese put more affort into actually make the tanks look good and clean."

This comment shows an utter lack of respect for american counterparts and is just completely generalized. Ever heard of prejudice? These statements are prejudicial and stereotypical.

As some have said in this thread, japanese are individuals, well so are all of the people in all of the countries in the world. So F off if you want to just say that I don't take care of my tank as well as some others.

My tank is beautiful, I do weekly water changes, my corals are happy and growing, my tangs are fat. Maybe I don't have colored lights or pretend to be a reef artist, but my animals are happy - and thats the point of keeping pets ferchrissakes.

Maybe the people that keep these spotless (and mysteriously algae free silicon) tanks are spending too much time trying to attain a dramatic lighting effect and are forgetting that there are actually living animals in there that deserve some consideration.
Hey guys!


don't you think?

The only thing that was fake were the pics taken for the contest at the beginning, those aquariums that were up for the pics, if any. They were fake also if we think that nature wasn't free to make the substrate dirty like we like around here. We could substitute the word " fake" for " too clean to be truth", if you will.

I believe that the word " fake" is the big deal here.

Saying that, it means that we don't agree or we don't like to do that with our thanks. Again, it's their style, and we need to respect. Facts are facts and the opinions stated here regarding taste are out of the subject and will never end if we put names for the styles (Japanese / American), I believe.

Hope that clarifies some of the questions.

Lets change the subject, back to what's supposed to be, should I ask?

We are polluting this thread with personal opinions about different styles and that's not gonna change them (styles).

It's a waste of time here and in some way a shame. Let's get along and try to learn new things.


Once it's alive again we should bring some new Japanese pictures of new tanks, right?

Could you guys that know any new site post pics, so we can go back to the tank subject, please?

I love their pictures! I'm sure that when they come we'll forget to pay attention to what doens't matter and appreciate more the thread.

Thanks and I'm sorry for the screaming!
Oh my!

I believe some people have put their patriotism before their intellect.

When I look at many Japanese tanks I see more than just husbandry,I see restraint.

When you look at many Japanese tanks you see a balance between filled an unfilled space.You don`t see a mad calamity of every frag that could be crammed into any possible space.

Husbandry is more than just a water change and responding angrily to posts you disagree with.

I provided a link for some nice live rock previously.I hope you had a look.CPfarms has some nice stuff.As nice as any other shop on-line.Their stock sells quickly, and is expensive.I am sure that you saw and understood why.
for a reefer that has spent time in both places, the people that keep these tanks have more patience and a greater sense of design then i do. i don't want my reef to look like that, but i don't want my garden to have the perfection and detail that i have seen in japan... i don't think anyone look is right or wronge, each person paints their own picture, with the tools we are born with. some people love abstract, i like rockwell.. don't make them right or me wronge..
btw, the pictures that don't show can be as simple as a file on the far end being renamed or removed.. you can take the address and delete the file name and still get to the server/website.. newer pic's are often posted
Perhaps the root aesthetic is culturally derived.

I have witnessed compositions from either side of the pond, both impeccable and horrid. Keeping in mind also that "minor" touchups may indeed come into play for "photographical purposes", it shouldn't infer that the whole shebang is contrived. After all, most anyone can create an immaculate sandbed with a extra few pounds of dry sand sprinkled on top, and removing algae from silicone is only a few scrapes of a fingernail away. That having been said however, I'm not terribly fond of the Rainbow Brite school of illumination, nor the allegedly high mortality rates, as was previously mentioned. Hell, I couldn't afford it anyway.

So, what are the determinants of "fake"? Who or what determines the sense of fake-ness or real-ness? Keeping in mind that our aquariums are quite literally fake representations of coral reefs should be humbling enough for anyone not to personally determine absolutes. Moreover, as has succinctly been said, a closed mind is a dead mind.

I can appreciate the use of negative space, and myself espouse and practice the aesthetic value of "less is more". Balance and restraint are defintely key aspects, the appreciation of which perhaps fosters a deeper appreciation of "what's not there", rather than a layout that emphasizes space filling with every possible coral; achieving a whole, balanced composition versus a specialized highlighting of select individuals.

Are these to connote a sharply delineated cultural bias? Hardly, although different cultures likely promote one perception of aesthetic over another. Neither is decidedly exclusive to the other, but each are probably appreciated (and thusly promoted) moreso in one than in the other. Neither style should be perceived as better or worse, but rather appreciated for what they are. Different. As a human being, however, I do have my preferences, just as any human being should otherwise. But the respect of any and all should be first, not the promotion of an "us vs. them" mantra.

But then again, what do I know? I like brown corals and have 3 rocks. :lol:
Bluemorningwind said:
When I look at many Japanese tanks I see more than just husbandry,I see restraint.

When you look at many Japanese tanks you see a balance between filled an unfilled space.You don`t see a mad calamity of every frag that could be crammed into any possible space.

Husbandry is more than just a water change and responding angrily to posts you disagree with.

Well said! My opinion has long been that North American reefers live by the "just one more rock/coral" rule. Which, I believe has ultimately come about from years of seeing pic after pic of the same without any viable alternatives for comparison.

However, it's your tank and you are the final authority on what does and does not look good. It's you time, your money and most of all.... your hobby to be enjoyed as you see fit. If you are happy with the outcome then that's all that matters is it not?

I think as individualists we can all concede that we have likes and dislikes - I know that from a viewing standpoint my pet peeve is a beautifully aquascaped tank that is filled with visible equipment that has been allowed to become overgrown with corraline algae - I feel it distracts from the overall viewing and causes otherwise strikingly beautiful corals to"get lost" in the mottled background. I'd much rather view a healthy tank, free of distractions whose owner has taken the time to keep the walls clean. But that's just me - one person's opinion.

Although, it certainly doesn't surprise me that asian culture views reefkeeping the same as they do numerous other areas within their lifestyle. I find their tanks to be extremely artistic, simplistic, and carry a wonderful balance of color mixed with a prudent use of negative space. And when I view tanks such as these it matters to me not by what means they chose to achieve that end. I just know that I like the look and enjoy viewing them. Simple as that.

So select the path that makes you happy and quit worrying about how someone else get's the job done. All that matters is that at the end of the day when you come home your tank is there providing you with much deserved relaxation and viewing pleasure.

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"I believe some people have put their patriotism before their intellect."

Really? How so? Your comments were prejudicial. I didn't say that japanese tanks were bad or good, just that your comments made generalizations and were prejudicial.

"Husbandry is more than just a water change and responding angrily to posts you disagree with."

My post was in no way angry, it was informative. Re-read it so that you can understand my message, mainly that your comments were completely stereotypical.

Let me add that your most recent remark, attempting to explain husbandry to me further shows the lack of respect you continue to bring to this group. I come here expecting that everyone knows what husbandry is, I point my browser with no assumptions, ears and eyes open, ready to learn something from the other members here. We should all do the same.
those are nice. Don't really see a diff between them and US reefs. Same level of pride and cleanliness, same happy looking corals.

All it tells me is that we are more alike then different, despite what some high falutin people might assert.
Thanks Ninong,

To me looking at those pic's, especially #4, reminds me of the Japanese Cork Art that I have seen. Almost like Bonsai Art. Very cool way to use the corals and all. Looks whimsical. I love it.
IMHO, at least half of the reason that "japanese" tanks look so goo is due to amazing livestock and colored spotlights.

The rest is good husbandry and dedicating and entire room to equipment:eek2:
Oh no!...

The link worked, but I don't see the pictures. Do you Think it would be something wrong with my computer?

Thanks anyways Ninong.
Hello everyone,

What I really like about threads like this is simply a chance at a new perspective. Weather I like or don't like about what it is I am seeing, I am still being exposed to something new and different, which in my case always seems to get me thinking. In this case what I have noticed equipment wise, is that they light their tanks from different angles. While i personaly do not like the colored spotlighting, I do like the different play of lights off of their tanks. I am play with this effect. Using a main lighting source to feed my tank with light and then using other lighting sources further away to highlight and shape points of interest within my own manmade reef:). In this way I can get a better lighting effect with less heat.

Thanks for the cool link

Happy Chinese newyear
