Perhaps the root aesthetic is culturally derived.
I have witnessed compositions from either side of the pond, both impeccable and horrid. Keeping in mind also that "minor" touchups may indeed come into play for "photographical purposes", it shouldn't infer that the whole shebang is contrived. After all, most anyone can create an immaculate sandbed with a extra few pounds of dry sand sprinkled on top, and removing algae from silicone is only a few scrapes of a fingernail away. That having been said however, I'm not terribly fond of the Rainbow Brite school of illumination, nor the allegedly high mortality rates, as was previously mentioned. Hell, I couldn't afford it anyway.
So, what are the determinants of "fake"? Who or what determines the sense of fake-ness or real-ness? Keeping in mind that our aquariums are quite literally fake representations of coral reefs should be humbling enough for anyone not to personally determine absolutes. Moreover, as has succinctly been said, a closed mind is a dead mind.
I can appreciate the use of negative space, and myself espouse and practice the aesthetic value of "less is more". Balance and restraint are defintely key aspects, the appreciation of which perhaps fosters a deeper appreciation of "what's not there", rather than a layout that emphasizes space filling with every possible coral; achieving a whole, balanced composition versus a specialized highlighting of select individuals.
Are these to connote a sharply delineated cultural bias? Hardly, although different cultures likely promote one perception of aesthetic over another. Neither is decidedly exclusive to the other, but each are probably appreciated (and thusly promoted) moreso in one than in the other. Neither style should be perceived as better or worse, but rather appreciated for what they are. Different. As a human being, however, I do have my preferences, just as any human being should otherwise. But the respect of any and all should be first, not the promotion of an "us vs. them" mantra.
But then again, what do I know? I like brown corals and have 3 rocks. :lol: