Japanese tanks...(revived)

Well the pictures that I posted last night come from what I consider to be one of the best reef sites on the net. From what I saw this guy is not with a company, kept a very detailed diary, and went thru some of the same trials that we go thru in our tanks. I wouldn't write this one off too soon, because from what I saw, we could learn alot from THAT site. Do you think that if we could accurately translate their forums, they would spend as much time trying to discredit us?

I'm buying the one Terra Firma posted. It looks nice. Bizarre lights and tank shape. Anybody know more about these lights?
I think that this is a good subject and the reason why is because from all of the other reefers around the world we learn to see things differently. I think that we should at least validate before we discredit. I know that so of the tanks look too good, or too clean but if they aren't "Instant Reef" then I would like to know what they are doing.

6 months
Terra Ferma said:
Here is a pic of what appears to be a little more established tank. It has algae on the sand near the front glass. I think cleaning the sand befor the picture is as simple as turning it over a bit. As far as coralline algae, who knows; a close up pic would explain a lot.

yes that looks more like a "real " tank there is also algea on the side glass near the rocks it appears..it also has a "rock wall " look to it as well.
the angled front glass in alot of the tanks is interesting,i think it allows for better use of colored spotlights.
ive considered adding some colored spotlights to my own tank,but thats cheating:p
They don't use 400wt bulbs from what I see, but a combination of lights to get the desired spectrum.

Lighting Harness
They only use 150 watt (double ended, I think). Someone on on of the old Japanese reef tank threads remarked that their lights are very expensive. He also said their reflectors work much better, thus you can hang them quite a ways off the tank. The one pictured costs about $600.
If someone has the link to the site I am posting please send it to me because I can't find it:mad: All I have are these pictures of his tank and equipment.

Sump shot
nardis, please do share the url for that tank!!! that is what i strive for, tho i could never afford or assemble the equipment he uses, i would like my display to be as nice as that.

and yes the lighting scheme is very intriguing(spelling?) and looks to be quite effective.
If you're reading this thread and know how to translate those sites (well, first we've got to have them! ;) ), or know anybody that can do it, could you please translate for us, that will be a great help to learn about those tanks.
The way they put those lights are great!!! The light reaches a lot of spots that we normaly cannot reach with our pendants/ hoods. Maybe there is a way to do that with what we have around US... Are all those bulbs metal halides (except those color ones)? Where can we find those reflectors? Very nice!!
I downloaded the IE Japanese translator program and have been looking at some tanks. Wow, I can't imagine the work. This one looks like it is a bit more realistic.

Here is the picture:
I don't know does this matter to anyone or not...
Did a bit of translation on the little lamp at the previoous post at CP Farm web page. The translation is from Altavista translator and what I know of the character set..
Basically it is a Metal Halide Unit...The name is Super Cool 115
What the ad say is "Simple, Light Weight." Easy to use Clip Ons (rough translation) ...The unit focus on the blue spectrum (again rough translation)....Definitely not cheap 55 Thousand Yen...but mind you fish equipment is not cheap in Japan...
I think the Japanese has a diffent take on tank setup....looking at the layout all it reminds me of is Takashi Amano's planted tank....You should see how much his ADA stuff cost $$$$
I just did a test...the translation engine from Altavista is pretty decent....some of the phrases which I copied and paste into the translator actually return something that kind of make sense....
BTW - those little halides, do have a BIG price tag - they rund $420.00 bux. Thats an exact conversion for you. It was actually $417. some odd cents.. just rounded up :)

I kinda like the idea of individual lights tho.. it allows you to "place" light where it is needed most and also using colored lights to "enhance" colors.

I may be wrong.. but don't some corals absorb the colors they "need" from the light? If this is true, color "enhancement" lighting would allow them to absorb more of their "true" colors.

I don't know. Im just babbling.

Base on your conversation....They charge 152 bux for a SeaClone......Now why would anyone pay that much for one of those....
Its weird I think. Japan/Japanese live around some of the most thriving oceans not to mention they make half of the pumps/motors, mechanics that we have on our LFS shelves. Or they at least are next to the countries that make them.

Why they are so HIGH over there is totally beyond me. Just with the lights, half the lights we use, are japan/korean/european. I figured they would be way cheaper over there. I don't know. Maybe its because we buy in BULK ?

Most everything I see - has a gold or white sticker that says one of the following -

Made in Japan
Handcrafted in Japan
Made in Korea
Handcrated in Korea
Made in the Phillipines
Made in Malaysia

Go figure ?

"Fake Photos" might be a little harsh;how about unnatural?...But what is unnatural?...I think it's how all our tanks look through the first couple years. Wheather big or small , we all place are specimens in the tank in what we feel is the most natural looking setting. But it is only through time (years) that these "seedling" corals will grow into a natural landscape ...I mean aquascape. These photos to me look like a young tank and we can only speculate as to their purpose;but given time, those tanks that now look like a Steve Tyree photo shoot could look like a Jacques Cousteau special of the week.