Japanese tanks...(revived)

I think its important for you to know that i dont question your authority in this hobby. I myself have 15 years invested into this hobby. I have been doing this since i was 7 years old. I merely was upset that you made my comment out to be a "joke" Reefers on this board constantly strive not be "flamed". Knowing this i try my best not to attck peoples opinions and comments. I know that this is a hobby that is difficult to undertand and that without the help of people like me and you who know the hobby new reefers would be in alot of trouble. So my suggestion to you is that if you dont do it to anyone else, at least respect what I say and if you have a comnent please make it constructive.

Like you said, I have never seen your tank, so please dont take my comments to the heart. Take them as you will. They are just ramble statements I like to say when people need to chill out and relax! There are times when I need to work on mines. Heck i work on mines day in and day out!!

AHHHH Yes!! The infamous Steinhart Aquarium water. That was lots of fun!

I'll gladly pay that much for any reef exotic!!!

You weren't stating your opinion on the tanks you were attacking their opinions.
You wrote...

"IMO as Americans we subconsciously feel we are somehow superior to others."

Who's feeling superior here?

You wrote...

I didnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t want to comment until I read everything because that would be biased and unfair.

Everything that you or anyone else writes is biased.

You wrote...

Pardon me for saying this but as a sociology major I evaluate perspectives and look very deeply into them.

Possibly a case of Physician heal thyself?

I admit I am tired of playing with you both on this subject. I will read your response tomorrow though.

Have a good night.
I never attacked anyoneââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s comments. It was you who attacked mines. Stating that ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œIMO as Americans we subconsciously feel we are somehow superior to othersââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ is in no way an attack on anyoneââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s comments on the board. It is a statement of how I think we as Americans are. It was purely a sociologist perspective. If you donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t agree then let it be. My comment about reading others comments before I posted was because I didnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t want to state my opinion without reading everyone elseââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s. I could have easily commented after reading the first page but I didnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t. My view and comments would have been skewed if I did so. And I was wondering how my comment about studying sociology was a case of a physician healing himself. I didnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t spend my money in school to articulate a response to a comment that was so ludicrous so I wonââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t even go there. I have tried to respect you and your comments but its obvious we arenââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t playing with the same rules. I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t care how much experience you have in this hobby that gives you no right to attack my comment. And you didnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t originally state your opinion about my comment, you attacked it. If your about attacking others comments I hear AOL has some great chat-rooms for people like you. If youââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢re tired of ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œplaying with usââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ then why not leave this alone. Why come back tomorrow????????????

* To my fellow reefers, sorry that I have taken up so much space dealing with this situation. Please understand that I felt strongly about the subject and it was in insult to me when tom1356 made my comment out to be a joke. And to all the reefers who took their time to help research into the Japanese websites and pics, thanks. They were superb.
Ive been to some of the islands where livestock is collected and was amazed at the specimens I saw. When I asked one boat owner why I've never seen stuff like this for sale, his reply was, "stuff like this not go to America, more money from Japanese and German"! I think that says a lot about the Japanese tanks and the hobby in America

IMO, were a little more "thrifty" ha ha :D
In regards to unraveling the mystery:

Why don't we just email them? :) I'm sure that a lot of the reefers in Japan speak better English than a lot of the reefers over here speak Japanese. I know my vocabulary is pretty much limited to a certain Styx song...

Maybe we could set up a sort of trans-ocean board on RC, where we could exchange info! I'm not sure if anyone would bite -- the fellow from reefaqua.com, for example, seems to spend his time updating his Reef Diary daily (:eek1:) and taking care of his tank; not chatting on message boards day and night like me. :D

But it's a thought.

I think the tanks are awesome. Some look a little unatural because of the balance of the design elements. It reminds me of japanese gardening for some reason. I think they take pleasure in the act of gardening(maintenance) as much as simply sitting and staring at the finished product. Perhaps they take this same approach to their reef tanks?

Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions though. Some of the opinions did sound pretty critical. I guess it's just all in how you choose to take it. Weren't we just here to look at pretty pictures? :D

I would like to know how long some of those tanks were set up.

Keep posting the eye candy!

If you translate the CP Farms site into English, you will get answers to a lot of your questions. First of all, those tanks were entered in a photo contest and the other members of the forum voted on them. The top tanks received several hundred votes so I guess they do have a few thousand board members. It is highly probable that each tank was detailed in preparation for its photo, just as a body-builder preps in advance of competition or a Miss America contestant before going on stage.

There are comments concerning the virtues of the top three finishers that indicate they placed a high value on structural balance, color balance and other aesthetic qualities. You might think of it as comparing an Amano planted freshwater tank to a regular run-of-the-mill Dutch planted tank. The first would look like a work of art and the second would look like a lush jungle.

But whatever you think of their style, there is no question about the amount of effort it takes to get a tank looking that immaculate.

About those schooling fish, they appear to be mouth brooding. Maybe we could get some over here and start breeding them! I want a school!


Here are the tanks that finished in the top three positions with the number of votes each received, comments from the reviewers and comments from the contestants; also, the length of time each tank was set up at the time of the photo.

Grand prix Matsumoto Koji poll several 650 points

< Comment from C.P.Farm >
The hard coral and the software coral being arranged balance well, don't you think? it is splendid layout.
Especially, it seems that the central Ã" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢`Ã" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢WÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢~Ã" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢gÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢TÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢J pulls the whole layout as a big point and raises.
The tank which has been made lively in the same way as the form to which the coral everyone condition is good, is in the original underwater does seeing, being something whose feeling is good. It probably is the evidence whose environment is good. As for the tank whose environment is not good, the coral is postponed strangely, somewhere in large quantity is a case which is different from the ââ"šÂ¬Ã…¡ÃƒÂ¨ and the underwater original form which have become strange form.
It is the splendid tank where the beautiful tank, first arranging environment from something, makes that you pull out living thing original beauty.

< Comment of prize-winner >
Never grand prix. You looked at announcement, it is it is to whirl, it rose and increased.
The fact that the large quantity is chosen from the midst of the very clean work is honor very.
In order also in the future the clean tank to be able to keep, you think we would like to persevere.

That's a 90-gal tank (48"x18"x24"), it has been set up for 10 months, it is lit with a 250w HQI, a 150w AB-10000 HQI and a 150w super cool HQI.

Quasi- grand prix Murakami shine source way poll several 490 points.

Left side:

Right side:

< Comment from C.P.Farm >
When 160 centimeters the Ã" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢MÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢bÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢VÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ãƒ"¦Ã‚  the coral and such a tank which are designed are put on the living room of the home in the big tank which is said, don't you think? the customer probably will be is surprised surely.
You think with fine layout, with cannot monitor the personal computer, to see could not like to try looking at the propriety real thing thoroughly to the detail.

As for the ability which can maintain a state to which size of the sump approximately 90 liters outside thinking is small, raising at water content less than 500 liters of this much biomasses, is good you think they are enormous ones.

Only all the scene photographs from the front published in the contest, but being also the photograph of rise of left and right each one which is sent together to be splendid it publishes.

< Comment of prize-winner >
From the many members thank you for voting.
If only application of 3 points at the point in time when it is not this there is a chance of winning a prize, you thought and had making the picture for record apply with light feeling.
After the deadline, the many other members you show the photograph, you are your own sense and technical ones, it feels keenly and being to have abandoned, it is glad very much.
Thank you truly.
And, in regard to the circumstances which have been on the register in the district, Shikoku Matsuyama, information exchange and the like with the other one is not left over that, it meaning when from neighborhood it can receive even with the MAIL, it is fortunate.

That's a 110-gal tank (65"x20"x20") that has been set up approximately 10 months. It is lit with 2*150w 10,000K HQI and 1*250w 10,000K HQI, plus a 28w red fluorescent tube for night viewing.

Third rank Chita Satoshi crane way poll several 460 points.

< Comment from C.P.Farm >
This tank shape of rock group is good, don't you think? is. It seems that the layout which as for the original lower tank, being unique, looks at the rock group of this kind of bold form and has answer is completed.

As for the Ã" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢CÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢\Ã" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢MÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢"šÂ¬Ã…"œÃƒ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢`Ã" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ãƒ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ãƒ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢N which enters into the cavity the center with unusual color, as for the individual of this kind of color you have not seen until now even with the C.P.Farm. Entirely it has been settled in the exactly good place.

Beam plug Bonn now with respect to the right the shank. As for beam plug Bonn when you raise inside the tank, the big eyeball which moves with sewer Ro sewer Ro truly lovelily is the fish which seems.

The Ã" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢CÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢gÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢qÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢LÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢eÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢"šÂ¬Ã…"œÃƒ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢WÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢NÃ" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢_Ã" Ã¢â‚¬â„¢C the group is made in a natural way, it is truly clean and it is the tank to which the reflection of the keeper is transmitted.

< Comment of prize-winner >
From the midst of the many application work many poll receiving, thank you for. Also the master such as " the excessiveness and the excessiveness " has been surprised.

Looking at the latest application work, being to feel, it does, but don't you think? age seem like the " green stone ". Honesty saying, being certain, it does, interest but * & & & *.

In a certain seawater fish magazine, it seems that discharges the green stone which raises inside the tank, but you think it is very difficult to the place that still, it increases.
Propriety of the thing which raises the living thing of the natural world in the tank is discussed the variety, but difficult thing as another, " think of the environment of your own tank and chooses the organism, as for the individual which is procured this which raises carefully " thinks the thing which the minimum it should protect as an aqua list.

While to study concerning the marine products living thing we think even from now on we would like to keep continuing raising long.

That's a standard 90-gal tank that has been up for 1-1/2 years since he changed over to the Berlin system. I'm not sure of the lighting so I'll copy it verbatim from the site and you can guess at it, too: Super cool 150W?~ 1 light, Thermal research aqua flash " triple " x 1, interest harmony NZ RB37 x 1.

And finally, this beautiful unusual tank is actually a display tank in a stone wall at the LFS (C.P. Farms). It measures 44"x40"x22" (167-gal).

Ninong :)

P.S. -- In desperate need of a Moderator to downsize that last pic, if you can. Thanks! :eek1:
A LFS that I go to alot has some of those cardinals. Some of them in the pics are different species though. The ones they get in are clearish silver and their eyes are a metalic blue color. They call them blue eyed cardinals. One of the guys that works their has 6 of them in his 58 reef and said they are easy to care for. I'm going to try a few and if they do well get a large school of about 20 of them. Well maybe not that many but in large schools they look amazing.
Thanks Ninong for posting that translation. Reminds me of watching the Iron Chef!! Perhaps there should be an Iron Chef type show for reef tanks.

On a more serious note, I'd love to see a book or web site that compares common Reef Keeping practices (and equipment) from our collegues in Japan and Germany and elsewhere. Makes me wonder what we could learn from them.

Thanks for that last round of pics and info Ninong. I think they look beautiful!

I also have a school of 5 'blue eye apogons': A. leptacanthus. They are mouth breeder, I regularly see eggs in the mouth of the male. Indeed very easy to care for, and they tend to stay very close together, unlike the green chromis.

I have a new question about these -very beautiful imo- japanese tanks. In some of the tanks, I see rose soft corals, which resemble Capnella or Lemnalia very closely. At first, I thought they were dyed. At http://reefaqua.com there's also one in the tank, which seems to grow and to keep color during the time (a few months) it is in the tank..

Who knows what kind of coral this is?


Hey Ninong.
Actually, I had that picture on the first page of this thread and reduced it. This is one of my favorite tanks of all time:


P.S. Please leave yours as is.... I love it. :D
Yeah - thanks for posting the big one Ninong it makes better wallpaper!

That tank is giving me inspiration for my new tank. :D
:D exactly the same what Ravenmore say(;) spelling).
Super thread Skipper-san,excelent
BTW IMO your reef can stay side by side with this japanesse tank