Randy, I chickened out on building a canopy for now. To get up and running quickly I got that PFO canopy that has all the lights and actinics in it. It will be more than enough for a year while I get my sea legs. Next summer I plan on building a canopy with good reflectors and better HQI ballasts. If you ask James, he will send you some pics. He doesn't check his email very often so it's best to call him (but catching him is hard too).
Nice collection of toys by the way. I think I see a Finnex heater in there? I'm kind of thinking the overflows would have been better a little more in but I don't think it will matter too much because I have lots of options and lots of flow. If I whack a Hammerhead on one the loops I'll have a spare Dart and can always put that on the return if I feel not enough crap is getting to the skimmer. But the PanWorld is rated 1200GPH and with all the flow the detritus should be suspended long enough to get to the overflows even if they are in the corner. I kind of like having the big space in the middle for the back closed loops as that is where all the acros are going to be.
Nice collection of toys by the way. I think I see a Finnex heater in there? I'm kind of thinking the overflows would have been better a little more in but I don't think it will matter too much because I have lots of options and lots of flow. If I whack a Hammerhead on one the loops I'll have a spare Dart and can always put that on the return if I feel not enough crap is getting to the skimmer. But the PanWorld is rated 1200GPH and with all the flow the detritus should be suspended long enough to get to the overflows even if they are in the corner. I kind of like having the big space in the middle for the back closed loops as that is where all the acros are going to be.