CAreefer - Nice to have you aboard.

I'll take some more shots this week but most of the outside is done now. Few mouldings and paint left to do there. We fell a bit behind schedule because I decided to get an attic built in but I'm glad I did because you can never have enough closet space. We had to cut in more joists and stuff which took the time. We built the attic 5m x 8m - it's pretty huge and we'll never be short on space now.
The upstairs ceilings have gone in and this week we're doing the downstairs and should be able to start on the hardwood floors on Friday. I need to put another layer of concrete down in the tank room this week to tidy things up and improve the level. Preliminary wiring is going in the tank room tomorrow. I decided against one big control box for everything because I'm worried everything won't reach. So I'm putting in 4 boxes in total. One on the left of the sump containing 8 sockets for skimmer and 3 pumps plus a 4-Way, another above the sump in the middle for sump lights and pumps and powerheads feeding reactors. A few sockets above the tank to the right where I'll plug in the in the timer powerstrips for the ballastsand a few pumps that I want to turn off at night and the last on the far right a few more sockets for other stuff like the osmolator and anything else.
Well, I'm putting the sockets in boxes where they are below tank level. I'm hoping that by dispersing the sockets I'll make the wiring more convenient and less of a mess.
Starting the end of next week there should be daily hardcore updates as the room gets finished and hopefully the tank should be here not long after that.
Bax - Before I assemble it all I want a shot of all the equipment including lights, ballasts, skimmer, other pumps and 4-Ways and plumbing stuff. Just need to find a spare room.