I also added 11 fish to the tank, 3 leopard wrasse, 3 chalk bass, and 4 melenarus wrasses.
I used to keep chalk basses a few years ago. They were my favourite fish at the time. Sadly, I lost them all for two reasons: They either jumped (these fish are definitely jumpers) or suffered from pop eye. Having talked to fellow reefers in the UK, I came to the conclusion that they must have vulnerability to bacteria in water column that causes pop eye. In some cases, affected fishes recovered without medication and in other cases they died.
They are cool fish for sure. I will keep an eye on them, they had been eating great for about 1 week and a half in my QT tank, I just put them in the DT the other day and have yet to see them.
The tank looks great, and those GoPro cameras are pretty awesome at getting great video!Shot some video with a GoPro, it's a little jerky but I was able to get some cool underwater shots. This was shot at the end of the night about 20 minutes before the lights go off. Only Radiums and Reefbrite LED are on.
Shot some video with a GoPro, it's a little jerky but I was able to get some cool underwater shots. This was shot at the end of the night about 20 minutes before the lights go off. Only Radiums and Reefbrite LED are on.
The tank looks great, and those GoPro cameras are pretty awesome at getting great video!
Is that your normal amount of flow in the tank? I'm curious because I run quite a bit more than that and I'm always wondering how mine compares to other people. Maybe Ill create a video tonight to show it - its like a washing machine in there...
I keep getting an "invalid link" error when trying to view the video.
Wow Joe, that sucksits mystifying with how you manage the system, as you arent carbon dosing. With the damage at the tips that can be a sign of Potassium overdosing but your test results show a very good potassium number. Are the tips dying off? Does the damage continue down the branch?
It's disconcerting when experienced reefers have unknown issues. Hopefully whatever happened happened and things recover. I would not know where to start ... bad magnets, bad motors, electrical leak, etc.
Sorry to hear Joe.
All the numbers look good.
I had an issue a last month also, traced the problem to a faulty skimmer feed pump. Not enough flow to skimmer and stray voltage in the water. Got that replaced, new started to crap out after 3 weeks, things got better.
I got the ARID about 3 weeks ago, got stuff plumbed last week and finally was able to get some cheato.I put it online this week. Only issue I've had so far was a small leak on the top . I greased the o-ring and tightened down the thumb screws some more, Seemed to fix the problem.
The unit came in with two broken thumb screws from shipping, luckily they sent two extra, I ordered a back up supply now, so I should have plenty if I need them.I set the lighting for 15 on , 9 off reverse daylight.We'll' see if I can get the cheato to grow.It looks like it has made my ph more stable, if I can believe the ph probe.I also see tiny bubbles coming towards the top plate,when you look into the reactor.Guessing it is oxygen being given off by the cheato.
Sorry to hear about the troubles Joe. As Mark said, it's the hardest when it's someone knowledgeable with years of experience and a successful track record.
Stupid question, but since you see the burnt tips, and the mind goes straight to alkalinity, did you try a second/backup test kit, or re-calibrate with alkalinity calibration solution?
Hope things turn around soon (though only bad things happen quickly in this hobby, as we all know)!