Nice detail! Thanks.
That pale green speciosa was awesome, as were the corals in the first shot.
Did many/any of your corals get fragged and grown in other tanks? Are you able to source any of your old corals?
Man o man, I want Joe Yaiullo as a good friend as well!!

Couple questions: why strontium dosing? Wouldn't a ca reactor be delivering that? I've never paid much attention to sr. Thoughts?
Which aminos do you use, what dosage and did you always use them?
What setting do you run the gyres on? I have two as well on either side of my tank and I looooove them. I put them on alternating flow and try to alternating the timing on them so that the flow goes across the tank in one direction for 2 minutes and then the pump reverses and the other begins its two minute blow across, in the other direction. When they are properly timed the full tank turn over is amazing.. However, for some mysterious electronic reason, the controllers tend to synchronize over time. I have to keep resetting the gyres.
The gyres rep said that I could change the impeller on one gyre, run it in reverse and then once they synchronize they will be perfectly alternating... Haven't tried this yet..
I wish I could go to R.A.P and bring frags over the border... That would be awesome..
Enjoy, and doesn't need to be said but ... Pics of new frags will be expected!
Ha well you can be friends with him too, you just have to give decent sized frags for him to be able to use in his reef tank, no one inch frags on plugs I mean.
Here are two corals I gave a while back.
I'm not messing around with the size of my frags.
Here is another, I gave him, can't find the pic in his tank though.
It's all about the frags my friend :beer:
So anyway, here is why I dose strontium. I intally started way back in 2002.
I started dosing strontium because after 16 months my reef had little coralline algae growing.
I started dosing in 8/2002
Here is my tank 10/2002 after two months of strontium additions.
That was the only change I made at the time. I did test for strontium, using the seachem test kit, it was always between 10-12. I read the debates and most of the users of strontium were basically like, use it for a while and you be the judge. So that's what I did. I felt it prudent to test if I was going to dose, and my strontium levels were never high in any tests. I don't test anymore though.
I am dosing Kent's Strontium, a little under the recommended amount. I used to use Seachem Strontium but I can't get it locally anymore so I use the Kents. But I think the Seachem works better.
Amino Acids
I use Salifert Amino acids. I think I have been using them since 2003 or so. I have been a big proponent of amino acids well before zeovit starting marketing it and then everyone else started marketing their own product too. Salifert is one of the first to market it and was what I started with, it's always worked for me so I have stuck with it. I tried the TLF amino acids a couple of months ago because so many people were using it now, but it kept giving my tank dinoflagellates so I stopped using it (sorry Julian if you read this).
I use the recommend dosage of 80ml a week for a 400 gallon system.
So for the Gyres, I just answered a PM about them so I have a long response ready to go.
I have two and have them set to alternate, one side on at 40% every 6 minutes. Every two hours they both come on for 5 minutes. So it creates a strong gyre flow on each side and then every two hours I have very turbulent flow. I use an Apex to do this. The apex gyre controller is not out yet but I got pretty creative without it.
I use two virtual outlets, one alternate ON/OFF every six minutes the other every 2 hours have it on for 5 minutes. Have the gyres programmed so one is on when the first Virtual outlet is On, and off when off, the other gyre off when on and on when off. Then have the both set to be on if the second virtual outlet is on. That way you can alternate the two gyre but have them both on when the 2nd virtual outlet is on.
here are my programs, the first two are the virtual outlets.
Fallback OFF
OSC 000:00/005:00/120:00 Then ON
If FeedA 000 Then OFF
Fallback OFF
OSC 000:00/006:00/006:00 Then ON
Fallback OFF
If Outlet Gyre_CONTROL = OFF Then ON
If Outlet Gyre_Random = ON Then ON
If FeedA 000 Then OFF
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet Gyre_CONTROL = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet Gyre_Random = ON Then ON
If FeedA 000 Then OFF
RAP should be fun wish you could be there. Hopefully I end of with some sweet frags from it. Of course I will post pics.