MTC Calcium reactor. When the frags start growing and my calcium demands are more I will put the kalk reactor back online and dose kalk as well. Using an MTC Calcium reactor (seen in the skimmer pic on the left) I have been using this reactor for about 12 years and other than replacing a few worn out parts over the years still performs great.
Drilled out the top to accept a pH probe in the first chamber.
Made this slick regulator from parts bought on ebay.
So I spent a lot of time working out the ATO for this tank. I wanted never to even have to think about getting water to the tank. In the 7+ years the tank has been going I have not had
any problems.
Here is a diagram of my ATO setup. Description below.
All top-off water is kept in a 55 gallon Rubbermaid brute trash can.
For the Top-Off Container
Controller #1 controls the water level in the top-off container.
When the water level drop lower than float switch #4, Controller #1 energizes float switch #1. Water from the house water supply now goes into the RO/DI unit and then goes into the top-off container.
When the water in the top-of container gets to float switch #3, Controller #1 turn off float switch #1. If float switch #3 fails, float switch #2 will be activated and Controller #1 will turn off float switch #1.
From the sump
Controller #2 controlls top-off for the sump, water falls below float switch #6, Controller #2 will activate the top-off pump and pump water into the sump until water is above float switch #6 then Controller #2 will shut the pump off.
float switch #5 and float switch #7 are fail-safes. they are hooked into the switch input box that connects the switches to Controller #3 (aquacontroller3).
If water goes below float switch #7, the main pump is shut off by Controller #3. An alarm sounds, pages are sent to phone and emails accounts.
If water goes above float switch #5 Controller #3 shuts off power to Controller #2 which cuts the power to the top-off pump.An alarm sounds, pages are sent to phone and emails accounts.
Here are a few more pictures of my ATO setup.
Here is the ro/di unit and the polypropylene solenoid valve (Float Switch#1). They are located under the sink.
Just the solenoid valve.
top-off container controller on left Controller #1. Top-off contoller for the sump top off (life reef controller Controller #2) on right.
Floats switches in the top-off container. Switches #2, 3 , AND 4.
Float Switches in the sump. Switches #5, 6, and 7.
A little strontium weekly (1/2 recommended dosage)
Amino Acids
That's it