Jebao WP40 and WP25 Group Buy

Id possibly be in for 2 WP40's for my sis-in-laws tank. Id be swapping out two very old GEN 1 Vortech's with the old controller (not the ecosmart). The magnets seem to have lost some attraction for some reason and the controllers occasionally give me issues.

That said, I am pretty convinced this is mostly due to the children that live in the house. Every time they have a party or something, a child inevitably pulls the voretch cable thereby causing a stall.

Do you guys think this would be an upgrade or dwongrade? These ecotechs are Mp40s.
Do you guys think this would be an upgrade or dwongrade? These ecotechs are Mp40s.

well if the loss of magnetism is whats turning you off to the MP's the magnetization can be put back into it forget what the process is called... but it would be flashing the field on the dry side only.. not the wetside... but I would say that the Vortechs are a much better pump both in functionality and aesthetically... but you cant beat the Jebao's on the price.. so its a win win for you... keep'em and you still have the best pump out.. or sell them and get a few Jebao's with some money to spare...
hi far we have this members showing interest:

Phantom54 1
Aleiva16 1
rovster 2
killakam 1
exray 1
Jacob042426 1
SaltWaterGuy08 2

Total = 9

CoachOJ 3
Gillguy 1
Firegrant 1
Kayo2289 1
Jgoal55 2
dsmooth 2
elviraveloz 2
knukles55 2
PQ45 1

Total = 15

We are still far from the i will keep on taking interest till i can make sure we can order 48 pcs of each
They want the business. Ask for the same price for 48 combined. At least let them give you a price.

Just emailed them again...

Just got pricing confirmation...

WP25 = $51.00 local or $63.35 shipped anywhere in the US with Priority Mail
WP40 = $59.00 local or $71.35 shipped anywhere in the US with Priority Mail
So does this mean 48 combined or is it still 48 each. Like gillguy said they want the business 48 each is just tooooo many.
Just emailed them again...

Just got pricing confirmation...

WP25 = $51.00 local or $63.35 shipped anywhere in the US with Priority Mail
WP40 = $59.00 local or $71.35 shipped anywhere in the US with Priority Mail

That is not much of a discount to go through all the trouble of a group buy. I just priced it out and they have it on sale for $75.00 now with $12.40 to ship. Total comes out to $87.40.

With the group buy we are only getting a $16.00 savings. They should give us a better pricing for an order of 40+...
I want in.. but i'm not too familiar w/ these items. I have a 72g bowfront. Whats recommended? but i'm def in if you can shed some light