Jebao WP40 and WP25 Group Buy

but it would be flashing the field on the dry side only.. not the wetside...

Huh? lol.

What do you mean flashing the field? I didn't know you could do that. Pretty cool.

As for the Vortech's part of the issue is also the controller starting to mishap every once in a while. That said, I could upgrade to the EcoSmart driver for I think $100 a piece. So not too, too far from the price of these WP40's.....hmmmm...tough call.

Let me know what final pricing is and I'll decide then.

Huh? lol.

What do you mean flashing the field? I didn't know you could do that. Pretty cool.

Yeah whenever a magnet begins to lose strength you can put magnetism back into it by means of an electromagnet.. or a magnet with an on / off switch..
i talked to Jebao and we can order 24 pcs of each to do the group buy. The price increase is very little:

WP25 - $54.00
WP40 - $62.00

If we reach 24 of each...the price above is what you will pay...if we reach 48 of each...then its $3 cheaper each.
is that price shipped to our house or do we have to do a pickup at a central location? if it is a central location, where would that be?

i'm interested in a 40, btw...
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Guys let me clarify

The price listed is for it all shipped to me (downtown Miami) ship to individual houses local in Florida would be around $9 fedex ground or $12.35 usps priority anywhere in the US
Put me down for 1 WP40.
PM the details and payment info.
Im definetly in, but I haven't been very active on RC lately.
you guys think two WP25's for my 72 bowfront is enough? or should I just get one
WP40? I'm down to get this but I want to make sure I get whats recommended. Any Advice?
Great response so far is an updated list:

Phantom54 1
Aleiva16 2
rovster 2
killakam 1
exray 1
Jacob042426 1
SaltWaterGuy08 2
Adam13 2
Endy0430 1
davidsulli 2
flighjunkie 1
Salty305 1

Total = 17

CoachOJ 3
Gillguy 1
Firegrant 2
Kayo2289 1
Jgoal55 2
dsmooth 2
elviraveloz 2
knukles55 2
PQ45 1
davidsulli 1
flfireman1 1
flightjunkie 2
SipTang 3
Josh 4
Emilio FB 2

Total = 29