Jebao WP40 and WP25 Group Buy

ok guys....I may back out. If I end up messing up the cut off for the limit then I'll jump back in, but if we reach the limit without me, I'll back out.

I'll hold on to these MP40s until they're done.

my intention was to close this Group Buy by Friday and hopefully place the order by all depends on far i have 31 pcs of WP40 and 19 pcs of the WP25...thats an estimate....i guess we should start collecting payment to make sure of quantities...and speed up the process.

All payments should be sent by paypal to

I would assume that we will get the $54 (WP25) and $62 (WP40)...but in case any costs drop...i will refund everyone. If you need shipping add $12.35 for USPS Priority anywhere in the US or $9.00 local florida fedex.

Also its important that if sending it regular paypal add 3% for fees or send as gift...

Any questions let me know!