JohnL's 20 Gallon Nano Reef

No kidding.

@JohnL what CUC do you have? Can you post a close up of the turf algae? We might be able to come up with a solution.
Hermit crabs and snails and a sally Lightfoot crab. I'll post some better photos of the algae.
Interesting observation...

I stopped smoking last year. The sps corals started growing shortly after 🤔
That’s interesting.

Glad the Flucon worked for you. I just got 3 bottles in an order. Good thing I ordered it, just noticed Bryopsis cropping up on a Zoa frag I got from a LFS a couple weeks ago.
Nice. By coincidence I'm treating right now too. I made the mistake of using an old frag rack that had been taken out pre-treatment last time so I guess some spores survived on it. It was dry for more than six months! Note to you and self, bleach anything that was in your contaminated water but not treated with fluc - nets, tongs, racks...