Ich keeps taking fish from me. Lost both mandarins to it. Manages to catch my two clowns (which looked terrible yesterday) and the Hippo tang and put them in my hospital tank. Will treat them with copper and hope they will make it through. Did not manage to catch any other fish. The Yellow tang has ich symptoms as well but the other fish looks healthy (4 chromis, 2 gobies, the remaining Lyretail anthias and the two Kaudern's cardinal fish). Know that in order to completely eradicate ich from the tank is had to be completely fish-less for at least 8 weeks (will shot for 10). Not sure how to catch the remaining fish though.
Another issue that I cannot really explain is that my corals (some of them at least) are RTN-ing. Did a complete water test yesterday and nothing really sticks out. Any ideas would be helpful.
Sg: 1.028 (slightly high but is coming down slowly)
Alk: 7.7
Ca: 385 (slightly low but not terrible bad. Working on getting it up to 430 range)
Mg: 1400
NH3: 0.00
NO2: 0.00
NO3: 0.50
PO4: 0.1 (would like it slightly lower but not too bad)
Will bring water sample (both tank and RO/DI) to my LFS today to verify my measurements as well.
I am out of ideas. Ich should not have an effect on corals as far as I understood it.