Lost two more fish today. My last Lyretail Anthias and the female (I think) Kaudern's Cardinal fish. Tank is going south quick at this point.
The clown fish and Hippo tang in my hospital tank does look better today so hopefully at lease those fish will pull through.
Also, where there is death there is also life. Last night the male cardinal started to release baby cardinal fish into the water column. Tiny cardinals were swimming around all over the tank. Don't think any of them will survive long term but was cool to see and at least some happy news. That also explained why I have not see the cardinals eating in some time. Pictures of some of them below.
Finally, anyone that can identify this "snail" I found a couple of days ago. Good or bad?
The clown fish and Hippo tang in my hospital tank does look better today so hopefully at lease those fish will pull through.
Also, where there is death there is also life. Last night the male cardinal started to release baby cardinal fish into the water column. Tiny cardinals were swimming around all over the tank. Don't think any of them will survive long term but was cool to see and at least some happy news. That also explained why I have not see the cardinals eating in some time. Pictures of some of them below.

Finally, anyone that can identify this "snail" I found a couple of days ago. Good or bad?