some are really hiding behind a rock.
slow changes over thousands of years?????
this planet can change in an instance of a second, it happened before and will happen again.
97% of all species that walked this planet are extinct and all that without our (human) interference, but I'm sure that one smart politician will figure out a way to blame some future generation and make a few $$$$ off of it.
this planet goes by two rules for all living things:
multiply and survive.
so only the strong will survive.
if we like a species we want it to just do that, if we hate a species we try to erraticate it.
with all our modern weapons and great minds, no matter how hard we try, we can't get writ of something as simple as a mosquito, an ant, a cockroach or so many other species that we love to call pests or invasive, simply because they can adapt fast to any situation, which is a true survivor in the book of nature and there is nothing we can do about that.
long before there was us, this planet has gone from a hot lava mass to an ice ball and anything in between.
long after we're gone it will keep on doing the same.
some changes happen over thousand of years and others can happen within days and only then will the true survivor and ruler of this planet show up and it won't be us.
one little side note:
I love Al Gore, after he invented the internet he saved planet earth and possibly the human race.
in a thousand years, people will celebrate his birthday as the second coming, he will be known as the (insert your favorite religious figure here) for some future generations.