July Meeting Post


New member
It is that time again when we need to get the information out to everyone on where & when the next Club Meeting will be:

Meeting will be on July 19th at 6:00pm Our host is Scott Perry (Sperry)

Scott Perry
422 Sammons St
Whiteville Tn, 38075


Topic will be Nano Tanks. Food will be Pizza.

Please let Scott know if you plan on attending.
colorful meetings

colorful meetings

Last month Brownsville, this month whiteville, something fisheeeee going on here!
I plan on being there and look forward to this one since I am still trying to get my nano up and running...there is just not enough hours in the day ....oh and Scott plan on going into detail about that refugium light thingy you built for yours that you brought to the DIY meeting in January...I just may be interested in getting you to build me one for the nano...
Looks like the two meetings close to Beech Bluff are the 2 meetings I have to miss!! Heading to Vieques and Culebra PR on the 19th.
The club cards have arrived. BJ and I are trying to work out getting them to the meeting for those of you who have renewed your membership.
sorry for the late cancellation, but we have a small family emergency to deal with and will not be able to make the meeting.