Just a quickie! Perc's or Ocellaris


New member
Hey guys,
just a check really. I have this pair of clowns i bought from a guy tearing his tank down, as they were regular spawners.
He bought them as and beleived them to be A. ocellaris, but i personally (mainly becasue of the black bars) think they are A. perculas.
What do you all think?

The female

And the happy couple

Thanks as always for the help.
The female is an A. ocellaris. Get a picture of the male clearly showing his eyes and we can tell what he is too.
thanks alot for the quick response. My tank lights have just gone off so will get a pic up tomorrow, why the eyes??

Thanks again
Thans again, will get a pick up tomorrow.

I am pretty sure they are both the same as the look very similar, but the male is more yellow. Though i will post a pic to be sure.

How do the eyes differ? I thought the difference was in the black barring!

Thanks alot for the help
they both look ocelleris to me, i like to use the black bars, though i think percs can have relatively thinner black bars but more rare then not from what i've seen
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6972149#post6972149 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mark97r6
How do the eyes differ? I thought the difference was in the black barring!

Perculas have a black pupil surrounded by a thin orange ring. Ocellaris have a black pupil surrounded by a black ring, giving the appearance of having larger eyes.
thanks for the help guys, here are a few pics of the male, though he wont remain very stil!! I hope i caught the eyes enough.

Thanks for the tip on the eyes, i have never heard of this before, but after looking at a few pictures of different perc's and Occ's i do see what you mean... And from this i am pretty sure (again:rolleye1:) that i have a pair of Ocellaris. Though i would like it confirmed please.

the both look as though they have alot of black to me for Occ's specially the male, but that said i dont think i have ever seen (in person) fully grown Ocellaris clowns.




Thanks again
No doubt that they are both ocellaris. The thickness of the black stripes is not a great indicator of ocellaris vs. percula. The black on perculas can be pencil thin, where as the black on ocellaris(like yours) can be thick, although when the black forms a bridge between the white stripes that would be a percula trait.
Thread Hijack!

I just picked up a couple of clown fish from my LFS that were both labeled Ocellaris but were in different tanks. After reading this thread I checked out their eyes and one it looks to me like one has a black pupil/black ring and the other has a black pupil/orange ring. To me it seems like thew lighter orange fish has the orange ring. I checked with the LFS again and they are sure they are both Ocellaris - what do you think? (I hope the pics are clear enough)



Thanks! I think it must just be the overall lighter color of the fish contrasting with the black pupil that made me question it. Good to know they are the same!
I've also noticed that the flash from the camera can make things a bit confusing. The flash makes the ring around the pupil look more orange. Here is my ocellaris pair:

With flash:

Without flash: