Active member
I went in Just Fish today and things weren't looking to bad. Didn't see a single disease or dead fish in the salt isle(didn't look at freshwater), things looked very clean, they had some of the hugest star fish I have ever seen in an LFS. There was also two pistol shrimp/goby pairs. One of which was really bright. They had what looked like almost full grown bamboo sharks, Chiloscyllium plagiosum I believe, as well as eggs.(one of my life goals is to own a home where I can keep a small shark tank) Overall things seem to be continually improving over the last year or so.
PS since I was driving by I also dropped in Fish bowl Lady never said a word to me or Steph. Good thing though is it seems as if they have given up on corals.
PS since I was driving by I also dropped in Fish bowl Lady never said a word to me or Steph. Good thing though is it seems as if they have given up on corals.