Well just to continue the "Devil's Advocate" thread here:
How many times have you gone in and asked a question - not neccesarily recently - but when you were first starting out?
Were you ever charged for the answer?
You can not put a price tag on knowledge - well UD thinks 4 years worth is about $24K but that is for another thread
- These are the people we turned to to test our water for the first time - to tell us when we screwed something up and how to fix it. To continuously answer the most mundane questions because we forgot what they said before we got home. Never once have I been asked to pay for asking them a question (or 10 for that matter).
Now, does that mean that it's free? Of course not - let's say they tack a couple bucks on to each fish to off-set the time they have to spend answering quesitons, usually for people that leave without buying anything, or pick up a $2 goldfish after asking 45 minutes worth of questions regarding the benefits of DT's over Kent phyto.
This is the time when they coud be cleaning the tanks, medicating the fish, or building a QT room.
The LFS has been an invaluable resource to all of us, and still are. Where else are you going to be abel to pick up salt water when a disaster strikes and you don't have any ro/di made up?
Am I willing to pay a few more dollars for stuff knowing that I can save two hours worth of reading by asking them the question and being comfortable I got the right answer? Yup. I look at it this way - my time is worth about $24 an hour - If I can pick up a nice looking fish or coral for $10 over fair market value - and get my quesitons answered correctly while I'm at it - I will walk away feeling like I got a good deal.
I ask anyone that would publicly flame a LFS over pricing - What is your favorite fish in your tank? How much did you buy it for? What would you be willing to sell it for? Keep in mind the time and money you spent acclimating, treating, feeding etc.