Just got a ReefLink, where do I begin?


New member
Got a ReefLink today and have connected it to my Radions ( 2 Gen 2 Pro). I see on the forums here that people are referring to publicly available graphs that can be applied to them. Where do I find those, from within the ReefLink or somewhere else?

Also, anything similar for the MP40s?

I see people mentioning they are running somethng called AB+ or "official" graphs from WWC for example. Do they find those graphs on those sites or are those only available if you have a G4 hooked up?
Yes that is one of the most popular settings. That is a preinstalled template made my Ecotech. They have dome multiple case studies and have proven results for both SPS and Softies. This template is called Coral Lab. You can choose the SPS AB+ setting from there. AB+ setting is meant for mainly SPS growth. You will also see a PHX14 it mainly meant to bring out the color in SPS then you have the option for LPS/Soft this is to bring out colors in LPS and Softies.
I don't see any of those settings in my version. So I need to do anything special or are they only available if you have G4?

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