Just got my first zoa frag...


New member
It was kind of an impulse buy...

The zoas are orange in color.... not crazy bright like I have seen in some... will the color intensify if I provide a good environment for it?

Tank specs: 29g, 35lbs LR, 4x 24w Aquatic life fixture.

Any tips or pointers? Do I need to target feed them? What do you feed?
Nice, post a pic, the colors could intensify, but really hard to predict, just give them light and good water, they will grow
Thanks for the quick reply. How do I get them to spread to my LR? Just place the frag on the rock? Should I keep them on the bottom or closer to the top?

I'll get a pic up later tonight. :D
Alright, here's that pic.


Comments? Suggestions?
zoanthids- Proper lighting, good stable parameters, No predators/Fragging let them be and they should do well.
nice find. just prop them up on a rock and they will grow onto it provided crabs/snials dont knock it around. BTW you have 2 types there I see a green zoe towards the top left of the frag. They dont need feeding provided you have fish that poo in the water column.
That looks like a good deal; you got a decent amount of polyps for that price! Just think about it, you could have just as easily spent $20 on a single polyp and had just that one polyp too look at. They are very nice polyps as well.
That looks like a good deal; you got a decent amount of polyps for that price! Just think about it, you could have just as easily spent $20 on a single polyp and had just that one polyp too look at. They are very nice polyps as well.

A single polyp?! Wow, crazy.