just picked up 2 dragonface pipes @ LFS and....


New member
Ok, I got home and there are babies swimmng around in the bag. As I am un prepared for this. Is there anything I can do?

I would say no. You will probably need a seperate tank with live food.

Very cool though.... and now you know that they will mate again... so just be prepared for it next time.
Wow! I dont know if anyone has been able to raise dragonface pipe babies before! You might read up here and elsewhere on SH fry culture and see what you can do with the pipe fry if you want to attempt it. They may not feed on BBS though, which would probably mean you'd need rotifers and this first batch probably wont survive until you can get the rots going. I'd definitely read up and see what it all entails. If you're up for a challenge this could certainly be it.

How many fry do you have so far?

Thanks for the info, I had no choice but to put them in my refug. I will defiantly do research so if the opportunity arrives again I will be ready.
