Just redid my tank


In Memoriam
After thinking intensely about how I wanted my tank to look 6 months down the road I decided to rearrange all my rockwork, most of which had corals encrusting on them, in order to build my rockwork higher in the tank. I wanted to do this before the frags marco and I are recieving came as I will be glueing them permanantly to the rockwork. 2 hours of sweatwork and I finally think I got it somewhat how I want it. I'd post a pic but everything is a mess and the lights just went out.

Tomorrow I'm going to grab another 40 pounds of rock or so and rebuild the mound I used to stack higher upon the right side of the tank

My tank is arrange with a valley on the far left side where I had two large cap colonies growing across (looked really sweet) but i just wasn't happy with the amount of rockwork I had in the tank.

I'm done rambling, tank of the month 2009 here I come :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9103468#post9103468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
i hope you broke a a pices of those caps off for me? just a small one? pretty please!


I do remember him telling us he was going to do that like what, a month ago?
are we going to bunch beach tonight? scott .. look up the tides?

still in & out of meetings ... should be able to head downtown in 30min or so ... lunch down there?
I can't make it to the beach, its my dads birthday today. I had forgotten... as far as the frags go I broke a lot of the tan cap with purple rim it will be at the store, and some army green cap. I didn't break any orange cap but i will just so you guys can get some.