Kalk reactor, which one to get?


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After many years messing with DIY and modification of Kalk reactors, I am in the market for a new one for my 320 gal reef. I plan to top off my tank through a Kalk reactor with a lab grade variable (adjustable) speed dosing pump.
Any of you have recommendation regarding Kalk reactors? Circulation pumps does not seem to lasted that long when use in a Kalk reactor. Magnet spinner have their own problem. I am leaning toward a stirrer type kalk reactor.

Recommendations please, and why.
I recently set up the TLF KW300 using my Neptune DOS to drive it. It's too early to really give much feedback, but setting the DOS to run at 250ml/minute seems to spin the spray head which spins at the bottom of the reactor to mix the solution properly. I have it coded to dispense 100ml every 3 hours at the moment and am testing every other day to adjust my dosing. I'm going to try reducing the feed rate and see if it still functions properly.

Why am I using it? I bought it maybe 4-5 years ago and it's been sitting on the shelf ever since. It was logical to use it with the pumps I have before buying something else. If I was buying new, I would probably go with the Avast kalk stirrer so that I wouln't have to worry about mixing the slurry with my feed water.
I use avast which is gravity fed from my ATO with about 260 G total volume.

No complaints and uses about 1.8W of power
I'm using a mrc kalk reactor and having my litermeter peisaltic pump push top off water through it into my sump.

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I bought a stirrer many years ago and it stopped stirring after a year or two. It became just a reaction chamber with inlet and outlet. I modified it. Now the circulation is a maxi jet 400 that runs for a minute at a time every 2 hours via an electronic timer. I had to replace the mj once about 5 years ago.

Topoff water comes via a pulsafeeder on a timer to run during lights off. The kalk counters the pH drop that happens at lights off.
Thanks for all the answer.

Looking at the Avast, I like it. I also like the company.
One question about the Avast, sine the outlet is so large, is there anyway to prevent CO2 to get into the camber and turn Kalk to CaCO3? Do you submerge the output under water? Is there significant CaCO3 precipitation at the outlet and clot it up after a while?

This is often my problem with my reactor. CaCO3 precipitation at the outlet which eventually obstruct the lot flow.
The outlet is fairly wide and accommodates wide tubing. I’ve had no problems with it blocking from precipitate. My outlet is above the water so precipitate does form but the outlet tube is wide enough that it doesn’t plug. I clean the precipitate off maybe once a month or so, or whenever I feel like doing it. I haven’t had issues with CaCO3 forming and building up in the chamber. The Ca(OH)2 I add (Two Little Fishies Kalkwasser) dissolves completely in about a week using RODI water. Water comes into the reactor at the bottom and exits from the top, so the top of the water that would be exposed to CO2 from the outlet is being pushed out of the reactor and into the sump. So, I don’t think significant amounts of CO2 get into the chamber that way. I haven’t submerged the outlet, but I assume that would work.
Thanks guys.
I just ordered the both Avast K1 and K2 You built kits. Discount, saving from the You Built Kits and 5 dollars shipping result in me getting both for 329.00 which is a great price IMO.
The smaller one will go to my office and the larger one will go to my home tank.
Thanks again.
Do you submerge the output under water? Is there significant CaCO3 precipitation at the outlet and clot it up after a while?


mine is 2" above the water level in sump

I installed a 1/2" bulkhead as stated 2" above water level and when doing water changes a quick swipe with finger keeps it free and cear
Hi Minh, I think you will be happy. I've DIY'ed several kalk reactors in the past and chose the K1 self build. It was easy to put together and works ok. Cant image a reef tank without kalkwasser. A piece of bubble wrap or lexan floating on the top of chamber might help with air contact. I've not had a problem with quality of kalk except it does not mix as good as my old units. Not bad to clean either. Also is in sump partially submerged.



Thanks guys.
I just ordered the both Avast K1 and K2 You built kits. Discount, saving from the You Built Kits and 5 dollars shipping result in me getting both for 329.00 which is a great price IMO.
The smaller one will go to my office and the larger one will go to my home tank.
Thanks again.
Minh, don't put the output underwater. It will create a siphon. Water will either get pulled from your sump or from the reactor till it levels out.
Thanks. I think I will leave it a few inches about the waterline. My previous Kalk reactor is a tight chamber so I don't have to worry about siphon effect
I just finish built my K2 reactor last night. There is anti-siphon mechanism in place so that even if the outlet is underwater, there will not be any siphon of Kalk solution to the tank.
Minh, don't put the output underwater. It will create a siphon. Water will either get pulled from your sump or from the reactor till it levels out.

There is anti siphon mechanism in place, a hole on top of the outflow tubing. Also, the chamber of the reactor jut have a cap, not weld on. In addition there is a small air hole on top. The Kalk only flow out by overflow, never have siphon unless these holes which are above the waterline is cover and plugged. Even if these mechanism fail, the total siphon would be about 1 inch of fluid in the chamber.
After I use it, it I see that there is a lot of undissolved powder (CaCO3) I will submerge the output and see if this help.

This reactor is very well though out. I really like it, even if I have not use it yet.
Nice, looks like they tried to cover things, but also watch your feed. Mine came off my ATO and back fed that way. I just used a guest T and stuck a valve on the open end. If your ATO container is above the reactor, it doesn't matter.
Minh, I'd be interested in your view on the K2 versus the K1. Any advantage to the former other than less frequent addition of powders?