I would also try chloroquine phosphate if no coral in the tank.
I don't know about the above products too well sorry.
Using antibiotics as prophylactic is generally a bad idea. It's a good way to create drug resistant strains of bacteria.
+1 agreed Bill only take the meds if needed....if its only ick he is treating and done correctly the hypo will treat it successfully
fresh water dips are only going to stress them more at the moment....hypo doesnt eradicate the parasite from the inside out of the fish it kills the parasite once it leaves the fish and is in the water column ....if no visible signs on the fish (like being covered literally) then a dip is not needed and who ever recommended you dip them for 8-10 seconds I would have a good laugh with as this would do nothing ....for any kind of assistance at all it would need to be a 3-5 min period (visually inspecting the fish for signs of heavy breathing or gasping for air at the top of the water or laying on its side) during the dip......and since your going to have them in hypo immediately then a dip is useless as the tank they will be in will be sufficient the dip without much visibility of signs of the ick would only stress more....
FW dips are useless for Ich. For flukes, a 1 to 5 minute dip in well aerated, pH and temp adjusted FW work well. An 8 to 10 second FW dip is useless for anything other than stressing out both yourself and the fish from the extra handling.
Bill, 1mg/L?
Read 15mg/L online and just wanted to verify. I got the chloriquine and wanted to dose tonight. I am no good at chemistry or math.
How much should I add for ~60-gallons of water in the tank?