Thanks... I am a little fanatic about planning ahead... years ahead and now almost a decade ahead... I just need to be flexible and roll with changes as they come up
I did consider cinder blocks. One of my college reef tanks was on concrete blocks so I know that they weather well... lots of learning during those days.
I wanted a storage space under the tank. I'm constantly struggling with hideaways to put ladders and stools and nets and tongs and all other kinds of equipment. It might seem trivial but if I have ANY hope of getting my wife to consider the greenhouse a "family space", I need to keep it clean (it's just wet seaweed & some coral skeleton...), ventilated (smells matter apparently), quiet (the words "toilet flushing" come up), and organized (no ladders or platforms in view).
For this large of a peninsula tank, I'll need a 12 foot "catwalk" scaffold... that has to go somewhere!!!
I've also built in wooden ledges that flip up or down on the sides with hidden studs that can be pulled out and locked into position to create an immediately available mini-scaffold for those easy access jobs. That's what you see on the right of this image from below:
<a href="http://s1062.photobucket.com/user/karimwassef/media/Designs/0_zpsr6m4rrgc.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t496/karimwassef/Designs/0_zpsr6m4rrgc.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 0_zpsr6m4rrgc.jpg"/></a>
The other side shows those pull-our stud bases hidden away under the tank.
Could I do the same with concrete? Probably but I think wood is easier to work with and just as strong. The storage space under a 9' x 8' tank without any equipment below was just too sweet of an opportunity to miss.
I'll give concrete blocks another look but I wonder how many I'd need to support the double stack 3/4" plywood base. I'd think one concrete leg every 4' ? I don't want both concrete and wood joists.. too much work.
Sounds like your fish room needs a walk in closet for equipment, that and some sort of gantry crane

All kidding aside, I like the wood legs, but I would consider sistering up the 2x6's or altering the angle. I don't see them tilting and falling over, but I' am slightly nervous seeing them all in the same direction. (Edit, you might already have them braced, this bottom view is messing with my head a bit)
Going back to the scaffolding, is there some way to make them fit a theme? My first thought was beach theme with the scaffolding being done up like a life guard's tower. Of course that makes no sense in Dallas overlooking a grassy yard, but you get the idea.