Keeping it simple..and it works (part 2)

Added this:

Brief update: reef is still doing well. I haven't changed nor added any equipment.

First of 3 candycane frags I took from colony, new heads developing on this frag:
Love your reef! Great job! I run my Nano as simple as possible as well. I do run an ato, and I haveit on a WiFi timer that only allows it to run at set periods of time throughout the day and for no longer than 1 minute. That way, if the sensor fails, the timer will cut power before it has time to overfill. Other than that, no skimmer or dosing. Just filter floss and water changes.
I always admire KISS method of reefing. You have a beautiful mixed tank. I am running no skimmer, no refugium, no water changes and mostly DIY equipment made from scraps and it works great. SPS dominated and so far after 4 years still kicking and growing. I have no chiller as well, temperature can reached almost 31C. Good job!
Thanks for the kind words. Appreciated.
There is more than one way to skin a cat .. or have a decent mixed reef.

I used to have all the bells and whistles, gave them up as unnecessary complications.. less to go wrong as well.
I really like your tank. Please continue to post pictures so we can follow along. I am in the process of starting a 120 myself. I hope to have it up and running by years end.
Awesome thread! And very nice tank! This is very encouraging to me! In order to lower noise levels I'm removing my sump and setting my tank up very close to the way yours is right now. I'll be keeping mostly softies and LPS with a few montis and I'm thrilled to see a tank that was successful long term this way!


Digitata when I first got it:

Digitata later on:

One of 3 sps frags I got:

Same frags later:

Orange sps when I first got it (sorry for poor pic, all I have)

After a few months:

Stylo frags:

Same frags later:
What's your Kessil settings if you haven't listed them already? Color in particular.
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Intensity: 0% up to 90% over 2 hrs, 7 hrs at 90%, 3 hr ramp back down.

Color I vary from time to time but its mostly blue end. I think the color is only to please one's eyes as the lamp maintains the important blue spectrum throughout.

By far my favorite aspect is the shimmer.
Thx for asking!
That's a long and intense peak. I never go over 35% color and my peak of 60% only lasts for 2 hours. The rest of the time the color and intensity are ramping up and down. Mind you the tank is only a 25g cube. Everything seems happy but I always feel the urge to turn it up and mess with the color. Even Kessils are too adjustable for me :D
I played with the intensity for months. lol But I settled on that regiment almost 2 yrs ago.

Yeah, I guess it would have more to do with how big/deep your reef is and what you are keeping.

I have a couple of sps, so I need the higher settings. The low light corals have adjusted .. but that took awhile. I have mushrooms right next to the stylo ..for a couple of months or so they did not reproduce and stayed a little shrivelled. But they adjusted and are doing well now.
I'm 100% LPS, mostly Euphyllia, soon to be only Euphyllia as my Goniopora is outgrowing his corner of the tank. In such close quarters everyone needs to be able to play nice.
Goniopora's are pretty. But yeah, needs lots of room. Sweeper tentacles. I had an 10" one years ago in my first reef, circa 1990. Budded off a few times. Top two pics have the goni far right. I have better pics of it around somewhere I will post later, but it was pretty.

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Nice! I hate to banish mine to the basement tank because he's a stunner. My wife loves loves it too. I'm trying to convince her that a bigger tank in the living room will solve all our problems :D