Reef is doing well .. but another chromis evaporated

Had an epidemic of rbta splits.
you can see the rays from the kessils
looks killer.. im having a two part dosing headache right now.. in fact i shut the doser off last night.
i dont have high calcium demand.. i thinking about doing 5g W/C a week.. instead of 10g every two weeks, just seems less of a hassle, easy peasy 5g , no big deal..
most of my stuff is soft coral.. i do have a maxima, a scoly and just added two frags: sunset monti and some favites.. i wanna get the BB covered in favites and sunset monti..
i have 3 fixtures above my 68g... 360we in the middle and two 160s on the right and left.... the wattage equals up to 2 360s.. my new frags are on the bottom.. top to bottom my tank is 21.5" i think my kessils are about 6-8 inches about the water line.. running the intensity at 70%.. i think im gonna go 75% on friday.. exactly 1 week after adding the new frags.. the rest of the stuff in there can handle high intensity.. i just want this sunset to take off..

but dont wanna bleach it.. today it wasnt looking to good.. not bleached but very little PE..
i just recently went BB too. im hoping your success is due to going BB
my tank was neglected but its coming back around since removing the sand..
hows your fish feeding schedule?? daily ??
the only thing really thriving in my tank are my leathers.. even my zoas took a dive for the worse, but i have been neglecting the tank lately..
my BTAs are fine.. either way, this thread is inspiring.. keep it simple.