Kelp ID - growing out of new LR


Premium Member
I have a couple of peices of new LR that has tons of this growing on it....Im not sure what it is, but I hape that there is something that will eat it! tang maybe?

Is this a species of Sargassum?

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I believe that is Sargassum. Do you test your nitrates and phosphates? I believe this algae is easily out competed by green algae like caulerpa and chaetomorpha. Do you have a refugium? If not, a brightly lit refugium with lots of assorted green algae might help take nutrients away from the brown algae. Diadema sea urchins like to eat it. Naso tangs also like to eat it. These fish grow to be quite large, though.

kmk2307 said:
I believe that is Sargassum. Do you test your nitrates and phosphates? I believe this algae is easily out competed by green algae like caulerpa and chaetomorpha. Do you have a refugium? If not, a brightly lit refugium with lots of assorted green algae might help take nutrients away from the brown algae. Diadema sea urchins like to eat it. Naso tangs also like to eat it. These fish grow to be quite large, though.


The tank has only been up for 2 months, this stuff was a hitchhiker on some new live rock, it grows pretty slow, I think it looks nice, but I know that it can get out of control unchecked.

I done have a 70 gallon fuge with caulerpa. trates are undetectable....I will check for phos, once I introduce a couple of tangs, Im hoping that they will put it in check! ;)


I think it looks neat, too, and from the sound of it, it's helping your calurpa filter the water. Most likely, a tang probably will keep it in check, since from my experience, the first thing in the tank they go for is whatever's green and leafy/plant looking.

It is a type of kelp (sargassum) and because it is so tough, the only thing that will eat it are adult rabbitfish, or a Naso tang. I bought a juvenille naso tang last night, and he began nibbling at it, but there is alot there for that little guy to get down. I have a powder tank that wont touch it!