Kent Liquid Reactor vs. C Balance


New member
Hi all
Just wanted to know if anyone has had much experience with either of these two products. I'm pondering a calcium reactor but until then I need to get my calcium and alkalinity hassles under control in my reef.
So my question is - which of these would you recommend and why? Which is more convienent to use and more reliable? I am leaning more toward C Balance because of the minimal/no risk of overdose.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Thanks, Steve
ESV's B-Ionic. Has all the trace elements in NSW. I've been on it for 3 weeks now and all my corals look better than ever and growing at a greater rate. I
I would go with the C-balance. I have heard that the Liquid reactor will cloud your tank for 30-45 minutes. Just a little info for you. Good luck.