Kinda OT-I'm in Belize assisting with shark research

moon jelly

Active member
I have been in Glovers reef, an atoll in Belize for a week assisting shark researchers with data collection. The island I am on is small and only contains a research station and dorms for the researchers.

In a nutshell, we collect sardines by using a net. We use the sardines for hand line fishing for reef fish (groupers, porgys, snapper etc). We use the reef fish and other fish caught by trawling for bait for the sharks. For shark capture, long lines used. There are 20-50 lines deployed with bait and they are strategically placed so that the shark has plenty of swimming room if captured. After 2-3 hours, we check the lines for sharks. When there is a capture, the shark is measured, tissue samples are taken (fin clips and muscle) for DNA and isotopes, the shark is tagged and released. So far we captured 13 sharks, mostly caribbean reef and nurse sharks. We did get one lemon shark. I have assisted securing the tail, clipping fins, applying the tag, and releasing the shark.

I have been lucky to work with Dr Demian Chapman, the lead researcher, who is a well known shark biologist and conservationist. He recently helped pass a law in the Bahamas against commercial shark fishing, fin harvesting and is close to having a law passed in Fiji for the same. :beer: Here is a link on some of Dr Chapman's research.

I will post pics and videos of the shark capture when I get home as there is not enough band width with here for uploading. :fish2:
i'm guessing they don't serve shark fin soup
have a great time and come home safe
and all is well at your house and 1 fish has been named
aaahhh an island with a tiny amount of ppl? there is heaven on earth!

unfortunately proper conservation is much better than any legislation
Its too bad we got to the point that we need legislation for conservation. They are working on no gill net fishing here in Belize.
I have always wanted to go to Glovers Atoll, I have heard some really good things. If you have any spare time after volunteering try and make it to Tobacco Caye - it has the best diving that I have every done in that region and it is very sparsely populated and inexpensive. I'm always glad to hear that there are over divers on here. We should plan a CMAS trip to the quarry sometime.
I have heard the diving there is amazing but unfortunately have not been able to go, with my little one Mickey always seems to win the where are we going for vacation discussion lol!
Must be beautiful can't wait to see those pics
I have always wanted to go to Glovers Atoll, I have heard some really good things. If you have any spare time after volunteering try and make it to Tobacco Caye - it has the best diving that I have every done in that region and it is very sparsely populated and inexpensive. I'm always glad to hear that there are over divers on here. We should plan a CMAS trip to the quarry sometime.

Great idea!!!Hopefully by monday i'll be diving somewhere off Puerto Vallarta!!:bounce1: