koralias, skimmer y UV


New member
hola!!tengo una pregunta... cuantas coralias pondrian uds en un acuario de 125 galones y de q numero?? es que estoy indesisa si meter 3 koralias n°3 de 300 L/h o 4 n°4 de 5000 L/h cual de las opciones de aconsejan? o que sugerencias tienen uds para circulacion del agua en el tanque??

que tipo de UV me recomiendan para este mismo acuario de que capacidad y de que marca??

tambien quiero comprar un nuevo skimmer para este acuario no se cual sea bien eficas se de varios pero no se cual sea bueno y no tan re caro asi de unos 400 dolares o menos!! gracias si puedo conseguirlo con algun patrocinador igual me sirve si lo pueden mandar a mi pais


Hi, I have a question... how many Koralias would you put in a tank of 125 Gallons, and of what type? I am trying to decide between putting 3 X #3's (3000 liters/hour) or 4 X #4's (5000 liters/hour)... of the options which one would you go with or (I may be wrong on this) what do you use for circulation for your tank?

What size (wattage) UV Sterilizer would you recommend to me for this same tank (125G) and what brand?

I also would like to buy a new skimmer for this tank, but am not sure which are efficient. (He did not end his sentence.. but I am starting a new one) I know of various skimmers out there, but do not know which are good ones and not too expensive... something in the range of 400 dollars or less.

Thank you. It would be great if you mention a possible vendor that can ship to my country.

Thank you!

I'll try my best to provide an answer in the next post.

Translacion: Te voy a tratar a dar un repuesto... un momento.
Que tipo de corales quieres poner dentro tu acuario? Necesitamos esa informacion para decir un repuesto bueno.

Para el UV, tambien necesitamos mas informacion sobre que tipo y que cantidad de pescados quieres dentro tu acuario.

Donde vivis??? Para tratar a encontrar un vendedor ayuda a saber done estas! ;)

Tambien para ayudar con el translacion de castellano a ingles.. este sirve un monton: http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=en#

Translation: What type of corals do you want in your tank? We need that info to give you a good answer.

For the UV issue, we also need to know what type of fish and how many you want in your tank.

Where do you live??? To help find a seller it helps to know where you are! ;)

Also to help with translating from spanish to english, this helps a ton: http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=en#