kudoras 84 gallon thread

wow! I'm down here in SD(went camping by Gavin's Point Dam for Mem Day too) and have heard a lot about the water issue coming from Montana. I'm glad you were able to get your inhabitants out. It's been a very unusual year for weather. Good Luck!
both of my tanks are down for now, i cleaned them out. still managed to save another 10 snails, a tigertail cucumber(my original split 3 times) and a couple of hermit crabs.
Sorry to hear about your misfourtune Kudora, will keep you and your family in our prayers, hope the damage isn't too severe.
Looks like the dikes will hold and they have let us back into our homes. i will be cleaning the equipment tonight, and will see what the next couple of weeks brings( i am crossing my fingers for very little rain) and will start the rebuilding process. most of my livestock is alive and doing very well at demonics, so i wont be starting from scratch :)
Luis take your time with finding that tank. I am enjoying the corals in the tank. They are giving my tank some color for now. Kaydence loves feeding the fish too. I still havent put them in the sump yet, they seem so happy where they are. I will keep them in there a bit longer before I swap them over.
as always thx again, i reread my own thread last night kinda crazy how simple it was when i bought it.
Kudora hoping everything is ok with you and your family, listening to the weather station about the flooding in your area, just want you to know that we will keep you and your family in our prayers.
Thx Jaxom, we are safe and i was able to take anything not bolted down out of the house, and actually i took things that were bolted.
Glad to hear everything is good with your house. My wife was following the floods really close. I hope things do work out for you and your family and of course for the aquarium. Glad to see that Demonic came to help out, that speaks miles on his character.
I have been getting the itch to get back into the hobby. It is going to be tough over here in Japan. Everything is extra expensive and there are only like 2 pet stores around. I think I am going to save up for a few years and when I return to the states, I will get what ever I want.
I will stay on RC and follow your rebuild.
thanks Chris, the flood was just crazy to watch, the clean up itself cannot be expressed with words.

Demonic will be keeping my livestock for awhile, it wont be until next year that i get a tank going again, but i already have a rainy day fund for when i get ready to a new tank up :)
Hey Kudora, it's been a while since I've seen you post so was wondering how everything is going. Hope you and your family had a great start for the New Year. When you get a chance let us hear how you're doing.