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What kind of angel is that on the fish section of diver den?
Nice pick up toddrtrex..i hope you take some pictures for us when he arrives![]()
Be careful Todd... I've spoken to so many people that do not usually QT, but end up cutting their QT with fish they shouldn't... like these guys... as with everything there is a learning curve, so just be careful.
In a small system like those I would add this as the first Centropyge... so maybe remove the flame or the argi... you could try placing it in the 75 with the flame and just leave the lights out for a couple of days, but ideally I'd yank the flame first and place it back later. Or if possible, section off a place in your 75 with eggcrate for the golden to settle into for a few weeks in some sort of transition zone... this will allow the new fish to settle into a stress free area and develop its own territory, while allowing the existing fish to see, but not touch, the new fish... after a few weeks/ months you could remove the eggcrate (or whatever means you use), and the mixing will go much smoother...
Todd why not add the usually more fiesty argi (speaking in general terms here) to the 75 with the flame and put the golden in the 30. At least that is what I would do.
Ya these seem like the perfect fish for a small, very peaceful reef (like that 33g the OP has). Smaller tank will make it easier to see them and for them to get plenty of food.I wanted that fish
These are my favorite dwarf angel. I kept one in a 75g tank for almost 4 years until the tank was broken down. My rockwork was farily open so I actually saw this fish quite a bit, having peaceful tank mates helped I'm sure.
Before that I tried a couple of times and failed; my feeling is they were cyanide caught. About 6 months ago I found a local reefer breaking down his 400 gallon system who had the fattest golden I have ever seen and I bought it. Made it through 6 weeks of QT no problem but it eventually disappeared in my tank. I'm not sure what happened but it wasn't eating well in the display (but eating fine in QT)... so they can be a little tricky but as Copps said buying one from DD is definitely swinging the odds in your favor. Having a pair would be my dream come true.