LAN card setup help


New member
I have got the PLM-LAN card in my profilux i am able to connet and control the profilux
I would like to know how i can connect remotely ie the web
I am confused with the instuctions on the web manual.

my router is a BT HOMEHUB and is connected to netgear 5port hub .
do i need settings on the hub and profilux.

BT HOMEHUB - So you are in the UK!

Talk to Steve at reefdreams the UK distributors, Steve is very clued up on the complexities of BT. I think he may actually be running this himself.

Over here the other side of the pond its all mainly Linksys
I have now got remote access to my profilux
I had tried to get a static ip from my provider (No can do)
So I registered for a dynamic dns free from the web created a host name and configed my hub with the dns details .
now I can get my ip address for my hub connection from the dns website ,put that in the connection on prfilux control program and it works.

sorry i am not that clear but it might help others.