Large Reef Aquarium Video


New member
Hi all,

A couple of years ago, I setup and managed a large 8x5x2 reef aquarium in my classroom (6th grade teacher Sydney Australia). I found the the video I made of it, remastered it and uploaded to my YouTube channel. Feel free to give it a peek!

Unfortunately it was shut down a couple of years ago. This film is still great to watch back, and remember the awesome ecosystem the students shared a room with.
Hi all,

A couple of years ago, I setup and managed a large 8x5x2 reef aquarium in my classroom (6th grade teacher Sydney Australia). I found the the video I made of it, remastered it and uploaded to my YouTube channel. Feel free to give it a peek!

Unfortunately it was shut down a couple of years ago. This film is still great to watch back, and remember the awesome ecosystem the students shared a room with.

Wow!! Love it!!

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Nice tank teach. How come it was shut down?


After several years of not missing a single day of visiting my classroom to do tank stuff, I had my first three days off in the middle of a 6 week break from school. Just so happened on the first day, an external contracted maintenance worker cut the power to the block my room was in. After years of work, I returned to a completely dead tank. I was shattered!

After several years of not missing a single day of visiting my classroom to do tank stuff, I had my first three days off in the middle of a 6 week break from school. Just so happened on the first day, an external contracted maintenance worker cut the power to the block my room was in. After years of work, I returned to a completely dead tank. I was shattered!
I would ne too. Sorry to hear that
Very nice! What species of clam was that. Looks partly like sqamosa and partly gigas.

It was a Squamosa. Big fella that when startled by students would shut quick and squirt enough water in the process to wet unsuspecting kids nearby.
Just so happened on the first day, an external contracted maintenance worker cut the power to the block my room was in. After years of work, I returned to a completely dead tank. I was shattered!

Funny (or not), for years I kept a 40 gallon breeder mixed reef tank at our local elementary school where I had after-school enrichment classes on the marine and reef ecosystems, and the same thing happened to me; power cut during the middle of school break during summer. Came in to a 95+ degree tank (at 6PM!) that hadn't had any power for several days. :(
