Large System Calcium and Kalk Reactor...Switching, need some help.


Premium Member
I am looking for a Calcium and Kalk reactor that can handle 800 gallon system loaded with SPS. I had a volcano calcium and kalk and it just couldn't keep up with my system demands and i don't have any huge colonies yet...So, here are the choices i am looking at in not any particular order.

1) Deltec PF1001 and KM500ST

2) Geo 818 and Kalkwasser Reactor

3) Korallin Calcium Reactor C4002 (Kalk reactor not needed)

4) Schuran Jetstream 2 Calcium Reactor (Geo or Deltec Kalk)

5) AE Tech CR900 Calcium Reactor (Geo or Deltec Kalk)


Thanks for the input!!
I have the 818 and absolutlely love it, super stable, I do not even check my params anymore.