Largest Clown and it's most common host?

Maroon is the largest clown, as far as I know.

As for the host, do you mean the most common host in nature, or most common host found in the hobby?

Probably the Bulb tip anemone is the most common.
P. Biaculeatus --> Entacmaea quadricolor

A. Clarkii --> Cryptodendrum adhaesivum; Entacmaea quadricolor; Heteractis aurora; H. crispa; H. magnifica, H. malu; Macrodactyla doreensis; Stichodactyla gigantea; S. haddoni; S. mertensii.
Thanks, that's what I came up with in my researching too. I just wanted to be sure. From what I have read the maroons can get up to around 6". Now I need to determine growth rate. The idea is to house a pair of maroon clowns with a dwarf lion, but if the lion, adult size of 6.5 to 7 inches grows too much faster or the clown stays small... I do NOT want the lion to be having clown for dinner. As of yet I have no fish and no tank, I'm still in the planning stage due to my current location in the world.
so the main issue is that if you go for a COUPLE of clowns the male will stay small (max 2")...anyway easy to deal with for a lion (even if's a dwarf!!)
A good idea will be to let the clowns settle in the tank and after this put the lion thru!!

BTW...I think clarkii will be a little more defensive against the lion!!
a. polymnus largest i have seen or heard of here in thailand you can get wild adults, two thick white, complete bars on black with yellow caudal fin Biggest one I saw was 6.5 inches the truth host in carpets mostly occasionally lta's
awsome fish.
that wasn't a mutant or so ;( or maybe from bikini-atoll (you know --like HULK or so??) I'm just kidding..i NEVER see a saddleback even close to that size!!
If you are looking for clowns where both male and female can/will get big, you should look at the clarki complex. Both members of an adult chrysopterus pair can be 5-6 inches long. Males and females in clarki pairs are often both around 4-5 inches.

Clarki complex clowns also have the advantage of not being very picky about which anemone they choose as a host.

FWIW: I have also seen some reeeeally big saddleback clowns. They tend to not be so cute when they get big, IMHO.
I have to agree on the Polymnus. I have seen some ridiculously huge ones at the wholesalers in LA, probably around 6".
Largest clown I've ever seen was an 8 year old tomato or cinnamon clown. The female was HUGE....probably looked so big because their profile is "taller" than most other clowns. She looked like a red and black salad plate.
I have just set up a 50 gallon breeding tank for clowns at my work its cycling at the moment.
I will try to get some pics of the a. polymnus here when I am next at the market.
You also get a. frenatus that are 5.5 inches long and 4 inches deep. with a really mean look on them (forgive the anthropomorhism)
Absolubt monsters!!
Here is my female clarki. She is about 3.5" and is over 6 years old. The smallest tank I have ever had her in was a 54 corner, she has spent most of her life in a 125, and has always had her mate with her.

She is very fat, but not very large imo. Oh, and she was yellow when I first got her.

I have seen WC GSM's around 7", but in the aquarium I have noticed that Clark's regularly grow larger than maroons.
Largest clowns in no specific order tend to be of the clarki complex with the exception of A.polymnus

A. Chrysopertus
A. polymnus