Largest Clown and it's most common host?

Next week I go to get the pair for breeding.
Either clarks polymnus or tomato. Please any who has a bit of advice on which would be the bestfor my first breeding project. Also the polymnus pairs that I have seen tend to be two large individuals not the typical smaller male is this normal or are they not likely to be pairs at all (note they were the only fish in the tanks and were not fighting but hanging together)
I will get the biggest there and post pics
Next week I go to get the pair for breeding.
Either clarks polymnus or tomato. Please any who has a bit of advice on which would be the bestfor my first breeding project. Also the polymnus pairs that I have seen tend to be two large individuals not the typical smaller male is this normal or are they not likely to be pairs at all (note they were the only fish in the tanks and were not fighting but hanging together)
I will get the biggest there and post pics
The occurence of A.polymnus breeding in Captivity is very RARE, I would go with the clarki or tomato, clarki are probably a little easier IMO
is bigger actually better for breeding? I would personally think that exceptionally large size would be a size of advanced age. I could be wrong though.