last night


Michael wagner
Hey thanks for last night. It was fun meeting and talking with cool people. I am excited about those of you who are into low impact, no impact aquatics (K squared). Looking forward to discussing new and innovative ideas. After the meeting last night I met up with a few of the fellas for a couple of wobbly pops and had to explain to them why I was running late. I told them how I was at a salt water fish club meeting and then sometimes when you get talking tank you lose track of time. They replied with “What?” I then explained to them about digitally monitored tanks and some of the more complicated systems which can be developed. They looked at me like I was some creature from outer space and then proceeded to call me Erkel for the remainder of the evening. Which then lead into Jacque Kustow and finally crocodile hunter Steve Irwin. The moral of the story is aquarists don’t let aquarists drink with non-aquarists and discuss aquariums.
Takes one to know one, My mom always told me you are who you hang with...Are you still down to go get some beers this week?
Youre lucky your Neptune pager didn't go off while drinking with your friends! That'll just top the cake too funny!!!! "beep beep beep" oh snap your dorkyness just went up 10ppm better get another shot to bring it down! LOL hahahahaaaa I'm always down for beers brotha.
Don't sweat it man, I use a Watlow process controller to control fans and heaters on my tank and to monitor water temperature and canopy temperature. I'm currently researching what it takes to read pH probes, etc. (I'm an embedded systems guy). I like that Neptune system but also recognize it has about $25 worth of parts inside. I'm planning on designing my own. heh, I'm a dork too!